Monday, July 31, 2023

DD Pool party & community service!

 Not sure exactly what we watched yesterday as it was really comical............

but the DD rats did their pool synchronized swimming routine!

 Getting ready!

Starting their routine!

Introducing themselves!

And then their performance!

Cracking me up!

Then they all jumped into the pool to finish out their routine!
They just laughed most of the time! ha!

And got REALLY splashed in the face! :)

Our synchronized swimmer! :)

Then after, they all got cleaned up and went to dinner/shopping before their community service event at Martins. The Kiwanis' Club and Martins teamed up with local foster families to let the kids back to school shop for FREE! The DD's got to walk around and help the kids shop! Alexis loved this!

Well, now meet Bubbles!

 So, Lily got sad that Camille would really want the fish's name to stay Rosie..........

and I had read that female Beta fish do really well when there is more than one (compared to male Betas who can NOT be together) soooo....

Meet Bubbles!

We now have Rosie and her new best friend...Bubbles!

Well, it has been very interesting to watch Rosie establish her dominance. Something that I read about but was surprised to see it play out...

but now that that is done, Bubbles knows her place (she is smaller and stays lower in the bowl) and Rosie is bigger and living her best life!

It has been fun and interesting to watch and Lily is thriving as a cat and now fish Mom! :)

As soon as Lily and I both saw Bubbles.........we knew she was the fish to bring home! She is beautiful!

Can you spot them both facing off and looking at each other! Getting to know each other!
You can really only see Rosie at the top, but here is their new home in Lily's room!

Thursday, July 27, 2023

We are new pet owners.....well Lily is!

 We knew it was coming....

and since it was the Messer's last night in Jville.........

we became new pet owners!

Camille loves her fish Rosie and really wanted to take her but due to the drive and all the craziness, it just wasnt feasible. 

So............she knew Lily loves Rosie and took such good care of her when they were out of town...

so, now we have Rosie!

But............Lily has now changed her name to Bubbles!


meet Bubbles!

We went over and hung out with them for a little bit since it was their last night! We sat in the floor with no chairs, no furniture and just enjoyed chatting and the kids enjoyed playing hide n seek in an empty house!

Camille saying goodbye to Rosie!

A girl that has TWO cats that are obsessed with has a fish! Yeah, we shall see how this goes! We do have a good spot that is high and out of the way in Lily's room so hopefully Soccer does not realize there is a fish in there! :)

JSU Soccer!

 Lily loves soccer!

She also loves the JSU soccer camp so she enjoyed Monday through Wednesday learning new skills and meeting the new JSU soccer coach and players.

I love that she has something that she is good at and enjoys so much!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Memorable dates that cant go unnoticed!

 The memory of my Dad's/Pops passing and mine and Tyler's wedding anniversary always comes!

I feel deep down that my Dad passing the day before my wedding anniversary is a sign to not dwell on the bad but always focus on the future and 'happy!' 

So, I miss my Dad so much and I know that he is so proud to look down on me and see his two granddaughters and alllll the things with them!

Then to know that it is time to celebrate Tyler and I and the life we have worked hard for is a true blessing!

July 22nd and July 23rd will forever be unique and life altering dates for me!

18 years and cant wait to see the next 80!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Our last goodbye to the Messer's!

 Friday night JSU had a send-off for Emily so we got to enjoy a wonderful night celebrating them!

Then Saturday, during the day, Emily had a big pool party with all of Camille and Madelyn's friends to say goodbye! They had a blast swimming!

Then later Saturday night, we celebrated them one last time before......

they trek to Texas Wednesday so we had our last cookout and enjoyed laughing and eating and talking about past memories!

We will miss them!

OH we had some good food and I have to say, Tyler knows how to do bbq and ribs and wings!

Ready for the crowd!

So fun!

The gang!

These two...crack me up and I love them like my own!
Crazy crew!
All the girls!

Such a fun night!
The new cowgirl and cowboy!

Such a lovely night outside!

When JSU is closed!

JSU closed Friday due to a campus wide power outage that was scheduled. Soooo.....I take advantage! Alexis and Aaliyah had their driving test so Lily and I did some shopping while they waited and then once they were finished, we celebrated them PASSING by enjoying Chicken Salad Chick and then going with the Messers and the Rays to Blue Bell Icecream factory! We have been wanting to go and check it out and Friday was the perfect day! 

It was neat to see the ice cream being made and then of COURSE eating some!

We soaked up what will be our last adventure with the Messer's for a long time since they are leaving this upcoming week!

We had Aaliyah with us since we were celebrating Lex and her passing their driver's test!

Lily...........didnt mind to be a taste tester!  :)

Meeting Alexis' Bigs!

 Tyler, Lily and I had the pleasure of meeting Alexis' bigs Friday night!

Lindsey and Payton are adorable and I am excited for Alexis that she has them!

They came over and then got Alexis allll ready to go do their event and then dinner!

It was a nice evening!

Cute girls!

So fun! And I love the memories Lex is making!

SHE PASSED her driving test!

 These two girls worked so hard............studied so hard and....................

PASSED their driving test!


she doesnt have to take it when she is 16!

She is DONE!

So proud of her.................and of both of them!

Aaliyah had a more stressful week, poor thing, but she overcame and did her best and passed her test!

They both passed their boating license too!

All Alexis has to do now is taker her certificate to the DOT and she will get her driver's license!


A Lily and I afternoon!

 Alexis has been super busy this past week with the Donoho driving camp and all things DD so Thursday....Tyler was working on a paper (he is almost DONE!!.........with all things school/classes forever!!) and Alexis was gone to DD pool practice.........

so Lily and I went and got our nails done and then had a sweet treat from DQ!

Just her and I!

It was fabulous!

And our nails look fabulous too................and the treat was fabulous too! :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Monday, July 17, 2023

A BIG drive and sweet Reese is 3!

 I just cant wrap my head around..............

Alexis being able to drive.........................


that Reese is now 3!

Time flies.


I just cant understand how both can be!

Alexis drove all the way to Leeds for the first time on the interstate so since she did such a great job, we celebrated with a stop and grabbing icee's at Buc-ees!

She was so proud of herself! She managed the interstate well!

Sweet cousin time is the best! MY goodness Miles is growing so fast!
With the sweet birthday girl!

Celebrating birthdays and all the things!

 We had a low-key weekend but it was full of birthdays and, of course, DD things! Even with me having surgery, our schedule doesnt want to slow down much!

Alexis enjoyed a beautiful Friday night with some of her DD friends working the Oxford Food Truck night to get in some more of her community service hours.

I didnt get any pictures of her but just picture her and her DD friends working a bouncy house and then walking around the food trucks and making sure everything was kept clean and nice! :)

Saturday was full of relaxing at home and doing house work before celebrating Misty's birthday!

This crew of kids....................and Mr. Chris.......always are up for fun!

Happy birthday Misty!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Last but not least Alexis' birthday dinner!

 We enjoyed celebrating our 15 year old one more time with the Law crew!

She got a surprise dessert since it was her birthday dinner! She ate that whole thing! :0

The crew!

Monday, July 10, 2023

Alexis' friends birthday day!

 Even though we have alll the family parties....

I think her most favorite is her friends!

Each year both girls pick what they want to do with their friends and this year Alexis wanted to go to Gran's and ride the boat so that's exactly what we all did!

It was a perfection of a day!

Not everyone was able to come because of softball or volleyball camps or because it is still so close to the 4th of July holiday...but the ones that were able, had so much fun!

Having so much fun tubing!
Disappointing for this group.....they got to do one round and then the big bar on the boat just broke! Hate that and hate that the boat broke but they swam and enjoyed riding since we had to stop tubing.
Came back and grilled out and they did this while listening to ALL THE Taylor Swift you could think of and singing as loud as possible! :)

Singing happy birthday!

Love them!

Then we went back out and enjoyed a great boat ride and then they jumped off this popular spot for awhile before the ride back and then the heading back home. 

Fun memories were made and we all enjoyed a nice Sunday afternoon!