Thursday, June 27, 2024

Cheer Camp-Junior year!

 Alexis is starting off her Junior year with a BANG at the University of Alabama and having a great time!

So proud of her and the team and cant wait to watch them do their thing this season!

Got a variety of pictures from their time! Love seeing all the fun that is being had!

Those banana costumes! ha!

They are trucking along!

Getting some fresh air!

They love their UCA instructors! She is from Oxford so knows everyone too!

A rare break moment!

Making the best memories! I cherish my cheer life and memories.................and I am excited that Lex will too!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

An evening of celebration!

 We had the best night celebrating our 16 year old! 

I cant believe she will be 16 in seven days! It just doesnt seem real!

I know she felt the love at her dinner party and it was a perfect way to spend time with family and friends!

Loved everything about the party! All the details! One of Alexis' friends said she felt like she was on an episode of The Real Housewives...and for her to say that was such a compliment because that was exactly what I was going for! ha!

Sweet 16!

Loved how the banner turned out!

Everyone coming in!

LOOK how cute this turned out! It made me soooo happy!

We had ALL the food!

The 'littles' table............though they really cant be called that anymore!

All of her favorite things.....when she was 16!

OH, this sweet girl!

LOVE these two 13 year olds!

A Daddy and his 16 year old!


The Law fam!

The Reese side of the fam!

All these cute 15,16, and 17 year olds! I love them all!

Sweet Murphy fam!

I mean could the little boy in red be more adorable!

Our picture with the 16 year old!

Nothing is cuter!


Singing to the birthday girl!

The Rays came to wish her a happy birthday!............and the Messer girls spent the night to keep the party going!

Checking out ALL the goodies from her night! A great ending!

A kick-off to our 16 year old's birthday!

 After we came back from the beach....

Alexis and her friends..........and I.........headed to Birmingham for a fun day/night celebrating her!

We got up and headed to Ross Bridge for allll the fun! We ended with shopping, dinner and then they night swam before heading home to get ready for Alexis' birthday dinner celebration with all the people! :)

First stop...........THIS place! They were still have asleep but so excited to start our day!

We got settled in..................and they relaxed! :)

Ohhhhh....... 16! I remember when I was 16!

The best day and a pretty awesome view! I sat over from them in the half shade, half sun area! My view was the best....and they would come and sit under the shade some too so it was perfect!

They also.............hit the pool!

Then time to get pretty!

OF course....I brought hats...........balloons..............and all the things! :)

They actually didnt mind the party hats! :)

My 16 year old!

We love BHM!

Nyla got her these cute sunglasses!

We looked in every store! :)

After several changed thoughts on dinner.........they decided on Cheesecake Factory for the WIN!

I got this....her living her best night life down by the pool to end the great little birthday trip!

Ready for cheer camp!

All things cheer is happening! Alexis is still team bonding and meeting her little....and then they made it to camp this morning!

Yeah...last night we had Lex's 16th birthday dinner and it was wonderful! She felt the love!

Whew, Im tired though! Alllll the cleaning is still to be had but it was worth it!

Bright and early (after a late night) night Lex and these girls had to be on the bus at the school at 6:00am to head to camp! :)

Lex's stunt group................had color wars dressed in yellow!

Love this picture! All the bigs...waiting for their littles!

Meet the twins! Big and Little! Alexis and Ariel!

READY to GO this morning! Jr. High and Varsity!

Gosh, Junior year! Cant believe it!

Off to have the best time for her Junior year season! She had to bring 'Lucky Ducky' since she was the first to receive the award! She will pass it off to the next person once they are announced! 

The theme for camp is 'Era's' based off Taylor Swift! Love their door! Love that these two are roomies!

And....just for FUN! Throwback to my cheer days! Do you spot me?

We were all getting ready to do a back handspring! :)