We are rounding out 2024 and it has been low key and relaxing! We are heading to the beach so this will be my last post of the year!
WOW, that 2025 is almost here!
We have gotten our home 'back to normal' with all the Christmas decor down.
Aubie had his surgery and is doing well. He hates the cone on his head and I feel pitiful for him that he has to wear it!
But, with taking care of him, cleaning, doing a little shopping and lunch, today, is all that has been on the agenda! Nice! :)
It is sad to take it down but feels great to have it all clean and fresh!
I have read three books while we have been on break and I have enjoyed them all!Meet Mr. Cone head! He is such a sweet buddy and doing so good despite having to wear that and be confined to the playroom for 14 days. He's a trooper!