Friday, January 31, 2025

A baby!

 We got to shower Betsy today and it was oh so sweet!

Cant wait to meet sweet baby girl!

Despite the nasty raining day, it was great catching up!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wordless Wednesday!


A little life lately!

 Whew, January is still trucking!

I has been the LONGEST month!

Alexis has finished up basketball for the County Tournament.

The girl's team played a great game last night against Oxford but came up short. So, not too shabby, the came in as 1st runner ups in the tournament! They have a young team so it will be exciting to watch them in the future!

We got home late and I crashed!

So, besides basketball, look at Lily!

School work is still something on the radar too! Her and her team built this airplane for her 'We Build It Better' class.

She doesnt really like the class, so much, but she does like doing and making fun things! 

I think they will get an 'A' once the grade comes in!

She asked to bring it home since the teacher was done grading it!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Football and Cheer banquet

 Alexis had her Junior year football and cheer banquet yesterday evening. They had a great speaker and it was a nice little event to celebrate the guys and girls and their season.

Alexis and her comp team even got their State plaque since they were State Runner ups!

THESE girls...are now the football world! They loved saying that yesterday! :)

A family pic................and Tyler's eyes are closed. To think, the girl that took them...took like 20 and this was the best one! ugh!

Being honored!

Love this group of girls!

And this group....WAY to GO! Got their State plaques! 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

DD Semi, her Junior year!

 I didnt get to snap alot because they were running late. Story of Alexis' life.

So, got what we could and they were on their way to friends, dinner and fun!

Cant wait to see more pictures to come and hear about their great night!

Loving her Junior year!

She's beautiful

Love her dress and JC did a great job with the flowers

Looking good!

He begged her to take him since he had such a great time at the DD Winter formal in December, so here they are! He got fancy and brought her flowers, so he did good! :)

So cute!

Got one picture so far from Alexis! Her and Kylie!

They have really gotten so close this year!

Syd and Lex!

WK and Lex

The girl group!

Our Junior!

And her date!

And the fun!

Life lately

 We have been busy!

Life lately has been bouncing and all the things...but we are living life to the fullest I tell ya!

This morning, my view!

Banquet committee to decorate for the football banquet tomorrow.

More of proof that her Junior year is ending and her Senior year is loading!

Friday night fun at Miss JSU!

 We love going to Miss JSU and were sad that the past two years, we were not able to go. 

But, this year we made it (except for Alexis), she only got to stay for right at an hour because she had a date to get to! :) Anways, loved supporting and seeing the girls in their beautiful dresses! I called it on who would win too!

Tammy came with us and took a picture. Just one. That is all she would do.

I shake my head but I am posting it to show our fun girl's night!

The girls!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Lily and all the action happening!

 I mean...I talk about how busy Alexis is!

BUT...good GRACIOUS, Lily is surpassing her! 

She just started track practice yesterday to which she has already been doing soccer practice!

She has track practice first (now that it has started) and then moves to soccer once track has ended. They practice every day! Until 5:00!

So WHEW! And this one (Lily) cant drive herself yet! :)

Her season for both track and soccer will be starting soon with games so they are for sure gearing up!

And, she is loving it!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 more basketball!

 I mean...goodness season just does not end.

I just cannot get over HOW many GAMES there are!

Makes my head spin!

But...Alexis loves it....!....and I love that she can drive now! :)

Here is a game! LOOK at her shine!

Here is another game!

OH...and another game! were go...again! Another game!

47th President of the United States!

 Yesterday was a BIG day!

The Presidential Inauguration.

MLK day.

The National Championship football game.

Alexis, 2nd round of the County Tournament!

The girls, Tyler and I gathered around our tv in the living room and watched all the festivities since we were off work and school to see President Trump!

We have just been to Washington DC so it was really neat to know that we were just in where he was being sworn in!

MLK day, thankful to have a day of rest!

I did not watch the National Championship...but Tyler did! :)

The JHS basketball team came up short, by two, against Piedmont. It was a battle back and forth and we were all bummed at the end with the loss.

We have a snow day today so we shall see what happens..................and if we will get Wednesday too! :)

We all witnessed history!

Make America Great Again! 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Workout is in session!

 When you finally get an old a new workout with you!



We survived! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

When everything starts back!

 Back in the groove!

We've got school back. We've got basketball games back. We've got soccer practice back. We have Wednesday night Church back. We've got F45 back. And, I've got book club allllll back in action with the new year!

Im sure there is more 'backs' but its all a blur right now so I cant think of anything else! Oh, well, lets not forget, schoolwork/homework...back! ha!

So, to have F45 and book club start back on the same day....I mean, just fabulous!

Friday, January 10, 2025

SNOW baby!

 We always wonder if the weather predictions will be what they say. We always look forward to school and work being closed too!

So, we got both this time!

So pretty! I want to always remember how much we love our home! I want to remember that the blinds on the right side are the way they are because both girls were curled up in blankets watching a movie and wanted to see out at the snow falling! I want to remember that the blind is raised up because Aubie is currently quarantined in there healing from his surgery so I wanted him to be able to see outside like he enjoys. Its the little things! :)

A winter wonderland!

The view from our front door!

Backyard view!
I love our back patio area!

SNOW baby!

She was so excited to get out in it! Alexis.........yeah, not so much! She stayed in!
I mean, she could have made a lot bigger one than she did but WOW at the ball she started rolling!
Daddy got home in literally the most perfect time to help! He had to go in at 3:00am to make sure alllll those students were safe! He is currently curled up taking a nap as I do this! :)
Meet Olaf!

I mean....look how cute she is!
I tried out my timer on my phone! Love that we get to enjoy this slow day!

Sunday, January 5, 2025 a Shirt Finder!

 He is 3!!

Last time we saw him............he was saying maybe 3 words! NOW............FULL sentences and talks your ear off!

His sweet little voice is just precious!

So, I am doing a post of this by itself because it is priceless!

We were in Platos Closet (because everywhere we go....we find this store!!)

While we were looking......Briggs kept going up to the lower racks (that his little body could reach) and just sort through the clothes. He would take a shirt off the rack...and drag it to wherever Tyler was....and say...' like this one??!!'

'Tyler...this one would be pretty on you!'

'Tyler, you need this one!'

'Tyler, you want to buy this one?'

It was CRACKING us up!

So...OUT of NOWHERE..........

He goes............ 'When I grow up............. I am going to be a shirt finder!'

I about died!

He is 3! hear him tell us that he wants to be a shirt finder..............and that he came up with that all by himself!

We laughed about that the whole rest of the trip and it still makes me laugh as I type this hearing him so serious saying it! :)