Sunday, January 5, 2025 a Shirt Finder!

 He is 3!!

Last time we saw him............he was saying maybe 3 words! NOW............FULL sentences and talks your ear off!

His sweet little voice is just precious!

So, I am doing a post of this by itself because it is priceless!

We were in Platos Closet (because everywhere we go....we find this store!!)

While we were looking......Briggs kept going up to the lower racks (that his little body could reach) and just sort through the clothes. He would take a shirt off the rack...and drag it to wherever Tyler was....and say...' like this one??!!'

'Tyler...this one would be pretty on you!'

'Tyler, you need this one!'

'Tyler, you want to buy this one?'

It was CRACKING us up!

So...OUT of NOWHERE..........

He goes............ 'When I grow up............. I am going to be a shirt finder!'

I about died!

He is 3! hear him tell us that he wants to be a shirt finder..............and that he came up with that all by himself!

We laughed about that the whole rest of the trip and it still makes me laugh as I type this hearing him so serious saying it! :)

Rounding out our big trip!

 Final days of our trip came and we soaked as much as we could! Saturday we didnt leave their house except to enjoy Sweet Frog!

We sat outside (another gorgeous day) and the kids played and played! Mitchell made his famous cheesesteaks and we ended with a big game of playstation bowling and Mario Kart!

BUT cannot forget............highlight of the night! Kennedy pulled out her own tooth!  She wanted Tyler to pull it out SO bad but he just could not get it out. So, we went back to her room for about 30 minutes worked on it and then came running to us showing that she pulled it out by herself! Her 2nd took to come out! Gracious they are growing too fast!

My view for pretty much the entire day!

I could steal him!

The sweetest!

His voice....the things he he would get so serious while talking...I want to remember it all!

So Tyler started making smore's for I told them they needed to go pull a branch and take the leaves off to use to make their smores.........

well.................he did EXACTLY what I told him to! Here is his branch! He came running up to me to show me that he had taken the leaves off his branch and he was ready to use his stick! SWEET boy!

And ended our trip on a HIGH! Sweet Frog for the WIN!

Glad to be home!!..............................but it sure was all fun!

Fun with Aunt Pam!

 Of course, we had to see Aunt Pam while there! We had lunch and then had a fun afternoon at the park. It was such a beautiful day!

Love seeing their bond!

Love these two! Kennedy is just getting so big!

Moving on down the road!

 Just when we thought we could not fit ONE more thing into my car...

we go shopping at the outlets and enjoy alllll the sales before heading to Gulf Breeze to stay with Britt, Mitchell, Kennedy and Briggs!

We met them for dinner once they were off from work..............

and THIS little boy...could not contain his excitement for us to be there with them! I about melting your heart!!

BRIGHT and early Friday morning...Lex did THIS with Britt. She got to job shadow at the hospital and see all the things she does as a speech pathologist and what she does with all the patients. Alexis said she really enjoyed learning and seeing what she did! Who knows, it may be her career choice!

Meanwhile...Tyler and I had THIS crew! OH, we had the BEST day!

When this cutie.............with those eyes and the sweetest voice..wants this ball while we were in BUY it! :)

We enjoyed shopping and lunch....and the park before going to watch Kennedy do her thing!

La La and Mal!


We got to have lunch with Mal, Lana, Maggie and Reese since they were down too! It was a beautiful day so we sat outside and had the most amazing view of the ocean and the best food at one of our, now, new favorites...Bud and Alley's!

SO good!

One view of table 1!

Second view of table 2!

Such a great time seeing them and always a good time!


 The Polar Plunge and a fun dinner happened on New Years day to make it a fabulous day!

Such a beautiful first day of January!!

First picture of 2025!

The original Polar Plunge crew.....
Such a great shot! It is soooo neat to see! :)
And then....the final Polar Plunge crew.....
yeah, Cassell and Calhoun decided to do it!

And then the rest of the day was riding bikes, us Mom's took a 4 mile walk...and then ended our day and our trip with a delicious dinner at LuLu's! So sad the trip ended but a great time was had!

New Years Eve!

 We had a great New Years Eve just relaxing and enjoying being with our group! We kept it easy with all the beach, football games, finger foods, board games and more while ringing in the new year and watching the ball drop! The kids actually put themselves to bed at like 11:45. We could not believe that they couldnt stay up any longer but that they were that close!

Sweet Maggie. The Messer's brought their new dog...............and Tyler and her became quick best friends!

So FUN! I made them a fun drink that burst the sprinkles that was wrapped in cotton candy! It was cool!

Ringing in the NEW YEAR! Here's to 2025!

My guy!


 I mean....just amazing...

and thankful....

that we were able to have almost 3 weeks off and got to have the vacation that we did!

We went around the world......and saw alllllll the people while we did it!

Amazing weather........and just an amazing time!!

We got up bright and early Monday morning and headed to Santa Rosa/30A to spend New Year's with the Messers and the Rays!

We got down right after lunch and spent the rest of the day at the beach!

The weather was amazing and it was just a beautiful day!

While us adults unloaded the car and got everything situated, this crew rode and rode! Living their best life! view for the resssstttt of the day!

They always pick up right where they leave off. The best of friends!

They all play so well together! They were covering Calhoun up with sand!

The crew!

The next day was a repeat but this time we slept in a little bit, went to a fun restaurant for lunch and then spent the rest of the day on the beach!

We saw the sunset and HAD to take a group picture with it!

Us my friends!

Another morning. Eating breakfast and deciding what they wanted to do that day!

And they all chose this! Cracked me up because they all looked like beached seals. And Cassell was bound and determined to do it with them....because she is 'big' too! :)

This night..........scavenger hunt night....among all the other things like sardines, hide and seek, etc! This group....and the other 5 neighborhood kids, not pictured, were busy!