Thursday, October 17, 2024

A girl day!

 I took off Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to have some time with the girls and yesterday, we made the most of the last day by shopping and having lunch!

Lex and Lily headed home, and I enjoyed my last afternoon....with a massage! OH so fabulous!

After our lunch date....we did this!

I swear it was just yesterday...that they stood like this in the toy aisle!...............


no longer toys......

makes me sad.

As an always favorite tradition............picking out this year's Christmas ornament for their tree! We always love looking down the aisle and finding the perfect new ornament that matches what they are most in to for the year! This time....they both chose these beautiful snowmen so it wasnt like year's past, like the Starbucks cup or the soccer ball.........

And...then to finish my day..........THIS!

Well, after this, I actually went for a run with my relaxation ended.......quickly......but it was nice while it lasted!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A day on the Plains!

 Any day....on the a GREAT day!

I mean...I just cannot describe it!

The feeling I get when I am going under my favorite spot in the entire world..................when I see the huge trees and know that I am close, I just love it!

It was a beautiful day to be out and even better when we get to experience the college life and do it with friends too!

Nothing better!

Alexis pointed out that she felt like a college we were walking amongst them heading to The Haley Center!

We normally come on the weekends or if we come during the week, we are not actually on campus so to see all the college students going here and there to get to class, etc, was fun to see!

Here we are! I have to say, the lady that spoke with us was a tad bit on the rude side so we didnt get to do and ask as much as we wanted. That was a bummer...but overall, just being around campus and then all the fun else we did, was worth coming!

We shall see if this is the direction that she goes!

OF course...Amsterdam Cafe for the WIN! This was everyone else's first time and they were glad we decided here! (As if it were a question!) :)

We hung with a real life college girl and even saw her apartment! She said she cleaned for us! ha! It was a great day! We did some shopping and then headed home!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Our girls-HOCO 2024!

 I wasnt able to get pictures with them together because they were going opposite directions due to their dances starting at different times...........

but I was able to combine this!

Her Junior year Homecoming!

 This one...


just a whole different ballgame with things...

just keep swimming...just keep my moto! :)

She was beautiful! Met her friend group...took a ton of pictures, then they all went to eat and enjoyed the rest of the night at the dance. She said she had fun and loved being with her friends.

High school is rolling to the end quickly....and Im thankful she has the friends she loves and making fun memories!

Saw her twin, Riley, so of course, they had to snap a picture!

Alllll the girls! LOVE how this group can represent!

JHS Juniors!


Cant believe they are Juniors!

Always the best of friends!

Always the best of friend too!


Her 7th grade year Homecoming!

 Her 1st high school Homecoming!

She looked stunning and SO grown!

I mean....time...just...does.....not...slow...down.

Her friends and her enjoyed getting ready with each other all afternoon, then pictures, and then after the dance, went to dinner before crashing at home.

She said she had a great time!

I mean....ggeeezzz.... she makes me smile!

Sweet friends!

Love her little friend group!

They had so much fun together!

Having fun with each other is what they love most to do!

They all looked so pretty!


They didnt plan the blue/green combination of colors! 

Sweet 7th graders! So glad they had a great first dance!

Homecoming highlights!

 Friday ended the Homecoming week and it was a good one. A BIG win against Lincoln, fun night making memories with friends, made it even better.

But before the game....was the pep rally and the parade! I spotted this group! They were decked out for the float that was a 'Walk on the Wild Side' so it was jungle themed!

I also need to point out....................for the 3rd pep rally in a ROW.......the 7th graders have won the spirit stick!

I also need to mention that this grade was the ONLY grade that parents did not help make the float! They all worked hard and made it themselves! They did not win...which was a shame!

Spotted our Junior!

There was an issue with the Sophomores....who are not allowed to roll....during Junior vs Senior the rolling for the rest of the week was shutdown. battle it out to determine WHO was the winners...the Juniors and Seniors did a 'Roll Off!' 

The Juniors WON! :)

A friend sent me a picture of Lex during the parade since I had to go back to work!

Friday night lights time!

Cheerleaders who are friends is most important!

Love these two!

Love this! got chilly! Im telling you....I cannot handle if this weather doesnt stay warmer! ha! Still a great night for some football...especially a WIN!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wordless Wednesday!


Day of Reading!

 OH so sweet today!

I had the opportunity to read to our Child Development children this morning for JSU's Day of Reading......

and it was precious!

They were so sweet and I just loved spending time with them and reading!

Their teacher sent me some sweet pictures!

More Homecoming happenings!

 All the Homecoming action is happening this week and we have been BUSY!

All the dress up days.......

the Junior vs Senior Powderpuff game...........

MORE rolling of our house! Yep, we have had it all!

It was a good game! The Juniors were winning right up until the very end and the Seniors scored to take the lead! Alexis enjoyed being on the sidelines and watching her friends! It got chilly!!........not ready for this cold weather!

And this girl walked around with this group of her besties!

And.............this happened again! We got hit Sunday night and then again last night! They left a cute little new decoration on our water fountain!

And more dress up days! Today was 'Tacky Tourists!' ................................................

........................................... so, Lily wore the shirt I had made from our past Christmas cruise we went on and said that she had the PERFECT tacky shirt to wear!

I mean..................

geezzz....I liked that shirt and I didnt think it screamed tacky tourist at all! ha!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Wear bright jungle colors-Homecoming week!

 With this week being Homecoming, the theme is 'Take a Walk on the Wild Side!'

So, today is 'Wear Jungle Colors-bright colors!'

So.........Lily has on bright....

but she was SO excited to wear her new sweatshirt that we got her from the Guntersville meet since she did SOOO good!

She was proud this morning to wear it today that I just had to take a picture! :)

My goodness she is just growing up so fast!

Homecoming week...welcome!

 Homecoming week is HERE!

Junior vs Senior WAR began last night!

Alexis went out and had a great time rolling and made all the memories!

I was ready! I was on guard and ready to get anyone who came in our yard! I wanted SO bad to scare them when I saw them coming...................


next thing I know..........

I hear someone/something banging on the front door...............

and I pop up (to which I thought I was awake...but nope, I had fallen asleep)...........

rush to the door.......

and NO one is there! They had taken off. No cars. NO shadows, no one running down the street....

they were good!

When I popped up, I looked at the clock and it was 11:50!

So, I was bummed I didnt get to see who did it..........but they did a good job. 

They also left 2025 in glitter on our drive-way so the Seniors are to blame!

Cant say much because Alexis said her and her big group that went got some Senior homes and then a Coach's home..... 

she even got home before curfew! I hear....this is going to be an all week my sleep is going to be deprived............and Im sure there will be more toilet paper coming our way!

I snapped this once I heard the knock on the door.

I didnt assess the scene until on my way to work. I went back to bed after this picture! ha!

Guntersville Invitational!

 Lily's season is trucking along and it is so exciting to see her love for it grow and see her push herself and PR every meet!

Just so proud of her drive and how hard she is working!

The girls came in 2nd!

NO doubt...just an awesome team! There were 240 girl runners! Lily and her team blew the others out!

My heart just bursts when I finally get to see her coming around the curve and heading to the finish line!

She beat her last time by a MINUTE! I mean! She killed it!

LOOK at that time! SO proud of her!

2nd place! WAY to GO!

Pink out!

 The theme, PINK OUT!

The ending of the game............JHS won against Springville!

The rest of the weekend was filled with Cross Country, Church, a Cheer Competition and then being on guard for Homecoming week and all the rolling of yards to begin!

She was GAME ready!

This one looked cute in allllllll her pink!