Tuesday, February 4, 2025

My girls!


My girls.

I mean.

Look at them.

They are just growing so fast.

Being a teenage girl....is hard.

Being a Mom to teenage girls.........

dont get me started, how hard. 

(Though, Tyler/Daddy, just thinks we are all crazy and really has no idea how it is to be a girl............a teenage girl (at that)................or a woman........or a woman that is a Mom....to two teenage girls) (just for the record!) :)

All the things.

Friend drama. Being a good friend. Boys. Hair. Makeup. Emotions. Periods. Being respectful. Being kind. Giving yourself grace. Learning how to manage time. Being responsible. Making good grades. Learning that studying is very important. Being truthful. Listening. Putting others first. Keeping up with items. Being ladylike. Planning for futures. Sports activities. Morals. Working hard matters. Pushing yourself to be the best version of yourself.

I can just keep going with the list of ALL the things that I try daily to instill into and talk to the girls about. 

I know the daily grind of our lives can cause tension, with all we have on our plates, and all that is expected of us day in and day out, so how we can get frustrated at each other is just the way it goes but despite that, I hope that even with the frustrations, they always know how much I love them.

Sometimes as a parent, you have to be the bad guy. You have to hold your child accountable and have to give consequences that you dont like to do. Being a Mom, saying 'no' seems like what you do more than saying 'yes.' 

But, at the end of the day, I know everything I do, is to best benefit them. Even if it isnt the option that the girls would prefer most. 

So, to the two faces that are shining so bright in this picture, I love you and want exactly what God has planned for you.

I want you to walk in His light and shine in His path that he has chosen for you. You will struggle. You will fall. You will have pain. You will have hurt. You will have consequences. You will have love. You will have hope. You will have happiness. You will have success. 

If you trust in Him and do the very best you can with the life he has given you great things are in your path.

I mean.

Look at them.

These two girls, that have my heart, I cannot wait to see grow and become beautiful young women with so much potential in their futures!

No matter how hard it is,

God's got us and I am thankful.

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