Monday, November 28, 2022

We are in the Christmas spirit!

 We dont care that it isnt December 1st but we do care that Leah is leaving us tomorrow so we are dressing in our matching Christmas gear and having a fun day/lunch to wish her on her new adventure with JSU!

Love our shirts!

Saturday, November 26, 2022

A beach Thanksgiving!

 We headed to Pensacola, or Gulf Breeze, this Thanksgiving for the 1st time since Pam asked us to come since no one, such as Nannie and Gran, have gotten to see her new house. 

We had so much fun as usual staying with Mitchell and Britt. My girls LOVE being with Briggs and Kennedy and the feeling is mutual! 

We went over to Pams for Thanksgiving and then spent the rest of the time just relaxing while Brittney worked a little bit and then Friday was Mitchell's birthday so we celebrated him with dinner and seeing Christmas lights!

Fun memories made!

We headed out at 6:00am. This one....yeah, she didnt care. She spent pretty much the whole ride like this. She was good!

We made it there and had lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon with this guy! Aunt Pam took the girls to her house to do crafts and then we met everyone for dinner so while Mitchell and Brittney worked, Tyler and I hung out with this cutie pie! OH he is adorable! We took a walk because the weather was beautiful!

This is why we love it!

The kids SO loved getting to watch the parade. We are normally running crazy so they dont get to watch it but we loved getting to see allll the action!

Briggs loved it most! He kept pointing and smiling and staring at all the big balloons!

Time to get ready for Thanksgiving! All dressed and ready!

Us girls!

Three chickadees!

And then with the stud!

He is precious!

We hardly ever get a picture together so I snagged one!

Brittney and I had so much fun getting allll the food we made ready! Look at allll we did! Yeah....

Everyone playing Thanksgiving games that Pam had for us before we ate!

Friday morning was a buuuunch of this! They played and played! Kennedy and Alexis, two besties and Briggs and Lily...attached at the hip!

Lunch time! Then they had hot chocolate and cookies!

Time to get ready and before we celebrated Mitchell at McGuires, we hit 'Bubble Alley!' It was sooo cool and pretty!

Love this!

My girls!


Then we swung back by Brittneys for them to change into matching pjs so we could go see Christmas lights!!
These two! Im telling you...NO question Lily is his FAVORITE! He would cry for her to come back. Want her to hold him the entire time. He loves his Lily!

The Christmas crew!

So COOL! We love going to Gilley's Christmas lights near us but is was so neat to go to another 'winner' of the Great Christmas Light Fight TV show! The Showell house won one year so it was neat to see their displays!
This is their award!

On the train to see the lights!

It got us in the Christmas spirit!
So pretty! We got back and crashed and then got up this morning and headed back home. It was a great trip as always!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Thanksgiving at home!

 We hosted Thanksgiving since we are heading to Pensacola and it was perfection!

Delish food and we enjoyed having Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi over too!

These three helped. The girls helped set the table and Lex made the salad. Daddy did the grilling and smoking while I prepped the rest.

Give thanks yall!

Thanksgiving mixed with some Christmas! I am just fine with that!

Chowing down!

Group picture...minus me. :)

Its looking a lot like Christmas around here!

 OH....I love Christmas!

I wanted to put up my decorations the day after Halloween...


there is a husband and a younger daughter of mine that didnt want me to do it then. My oldest...she is like me and wanted to.


I waited...

a couple of weekends later! :)

I LOVE my mantle! Tyler gets the branches for me and I just love how it turns out! This is my second year...and its lovely!

From living room into the kitchen

Just beautiful. This flocked tree may be a pain but it is just so pretty!

The dining room! 

Love my hallway tree! It has multi-colored lights and alllll the ornaments from the girl's when they were younger!

Alexis got an upgrade on her tree and it is so pretty!

Lily got a new tree too! She wanted a 'fun' tree with colored lights and all the 'fun!'

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Basketball season is in!

 Oh basketball. I have a love/hate relationship with it....

just because it is sooooo long. Long nights, long weeks, just a long season.

But, Alexis loves cheering and actually doesnt mind the long nights and weeks of it and loves cheering basketball.... so I endure. :)

So, first home game of the season!

All wins! JV boys, Varsity girls and Varsity boys!

Her first Varsity basketball games were a success!

My Varsity basketball cheerleader!

Doing what she loves!
Go Eagles!
Love watching all of them...more than watching the actual games! :)

Monday, November 14, 2022

Yet another cheer comp!

 I thought they should have set this one out because they have just been so busy with all the other 'important' cheer comps and alllllll the other cheer things...

but they competed again on Sunday though they did probably the worst ever, Alexis did a great job! :)

Lets go Eagles!

Love watching her!

She shines!

Alexis' first DD event!

 Alexis is super excited to be selected for the DD's and I am thrilled for her that she gets this opportunity and gets to meet new friends from other schools!

They had their first meeting and though she didnt get to stay long because we had to head to her cheer competition, she enjoyed getting to meet everyone and be there for the time she could!

She looked so cute and curled her hair too!

She got mad at me for taking this but thought it was funny to take a picture of her as she was leaving Mrs. Pam's house! Ha! She started running once she saw me! :)

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Final lights...

 Last night marked the last Friday night lights!

They played tough, it was a fun game to watch but we didnt come out on top. Round 2 got us.

It was a great season and now on to basketball!

Her last game of her first year! She has loved Varsity football!

Get it Lex!

Great game even if we didnt come out with the win!

Epic picture with the Friday night lights shining on!