Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Its looking a lot like Christmas around here!

 OH....I love Christmas!

I wanted to put up my decorations the day after Halloween...


there is a husband and a younger daughter of mine that didnt want me to do it then. My oldest...she is like me and wanted to.


I waited...

a couple of weekends later! :)

I LOVE my mantle! Tyler gets the branches for me and I just love how it turns out! This is my second year...and its lovely!

From living room into the kitchen

Just beautiful. This flocked tree may be a pain but it is just so pretty!

The dining room! 

Love my hallway tree! It has multi-colored lights and alllll the ornaments from the girl's when they were younger!

Alexis got an upgrade on her tree and it is so pretty!

Lily got a new tree too! She wanted a 'fun' tree with colored lights and all the 'fun!'

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