Sunday, November 6, 2022

Pancake kind of morning!

 Whew, this weekend has been a busy one and I am tired!

Friday night, didnt get in bed until after midnight since the football game was 2 1/2 hrs away. By the time I got Alexis and we got home, we were exhausted! Eagles had a HUGE win and are now on to round 2 of the play-offs!

Alexis said it was a great and tough game!

Then, bright and early the next morning......we were up and cooking pancakes! We had that Church smelling something good and ready to feed the crowd! We had a big turn-out and the community showed up! It was great to see the support........once the whole town of Jacksonville woke up! ha! It was funny because everyone didnt start rolling in for breakfast.............until like 10:15! :)

They may not be awake yet, but they were ready to eat some pancakes before the crowds hit!

 We had the music going...the food ready and the crowd coming!

Two servers serving these two future of which...........LOVES his 'big cheerleader!' Calhoun adores Alexis!

He had to show me how good he thought they were!

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