Thursday, March 13, 2025

3rd place, 1600!

 THIS girl! KILLED it at her last Track meet!

She is starting to understand her pace, and how she needs to 'turn it on' when she needs to!

I mean, 3rd out of 18! 

2nd on the Jacksonville team!


Now, dont worry, we have warned her that Bre and Gracie are NOT going to allow her (a 7th grader) to let her beat them again...............

and her words..........

She'll 'turn it on' MORE next time and stay ahead of them.

She's tasted blood and there, hopefully, is no going back!

She was SO proud to get that ribbon and have her name called out!

She was in the first heat. That means, these are the 'best of the best' girls. There were so many that they had a 2nd one. So, that means.....she not only had to beat these girls, she had to have a better time than the others from the 2nd round. (And, spoiler alert, she DID!)

She killed it!

LOOK at that!

SO proud!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Cheer with Jax State!

 Alexis enjoyed the stunt clinic yesterday with the Jax State cheerleaders.

It was a tough one...after Prom, Church and the time change, we were all on the struggle bus, but when I went to watch, I got to see her in action as a base! She has never based before so watching her was impressive! She enjoyed it but said she likes flying the best!

They had a big turnout!

She did a great job!

Way to go!

Lily's last soccer game!

 Lily's JV season was a short one. I wish the other schools had a JV team so they could have more games but, they ended with a tie and a good game!

Loved watching Lily play!

I mean..the sunset was amazing on this night to watch a good ole soccer game!

There she is! Our number 4 during home games!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Junior Prom!

 Old Hollywood, The Golden Age is historic for a reason so to have it as the Prom theme, is perfection!

I just love Old Hollywood so I know the decor and the atmosphere will be so much fun for them!

We did alllll the pictures....with alllll the friends and then they all headed off to The Rail, in Gadsden, before going to the Botanical Gardens at the Anniston Museum. 

I cant wait to hear all about it!

Her Daddy wanted a picture with his girl!

I wanted one too!

Getting a selfie in before they leave!


So sweet him opening the door for her! :)

They clean up cute! :)


They may not know if they like each other or not...but they are sweet friends!

Love this one!

One of my favorites!

So good!

We love this girl!

Our Junior!



The whooolleee gang!

Beautiful girls!

We love WK too!

Just stunning!

I know they will all have the best time!

Loved Syd's color!


The decor was impressive!

Turned out so nice!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Lily's soccer season-7th grade year!

 Lily has her last soccer game tonight since she is on the JV team!

Here we go Eagles!

Lily-7th grade season!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wordless Wednesday!


Remembering Rosie, our fish

 Well, she lived a good life.

A longer life than I expected her to. We have had her for 2 years so she lived a total of right at 3 since she was with Camille before she gave her to Lily because they were moving to Texas. That is pretty long for Beta fish!

I just loved her personality. She would literally come straight up to the bowl and look at me when I would look in on her! She would move with me to each side of the bowl following me everywhere I would go!

She did NOT like have a friend. Poor Bubbles didnt stand a chance when we put her in with her. The saying is that only male Betas fight and are mean and that females enjoy having more than one in a bowl. Well, when we got Bubbles, Rosie was so mean to her. She would attack her and just be mean. It was crazy and sad to watch. Bubbles ended up not living so the queen had the bowl all to herself. 

And she loved being queen!

Crazy how a 'memory' pooped up to me about our very last Beta, Sweetie that Alexis had TWELVE years ago!

Crazy to imagine it has been that long but both Sweetie and Rosie died the same week but 12 years difference!

So, Im thinking Rosie will be our last fish................

but it wasnt hard taking care of her and she will always be remembered!

I moved her bowl to our room so I could keep a better watch on her since she was looking sick. Poor girl, she was a fighter! She would still try and swim and move even though she looked so sad.

And, to see this post! Sweetie was a beautiful, HUGE, male Beta. We sat him out on the kitchen island because we didnt have cats, then, to worry with them messing with him. I enjoyed seeing him swim around while I would cook and remember Alexis always loving to talk to him too!

Monday, March 3, 2025

DD-Senior year!

 Alexis had her first event to mark her Senior year of DD!

She had the Kawana's pancake breakfast event to kick it off!

This is always a big community event so she was busy!

Love how Mrs. Pam (the main leader over DD) wanted a picture with her!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Lily's first high school Track meet!

Lily has had a lot of firsts lately!

Yesterday was SUCH a beautiful day! We were at the track meet for a very LONG time! BUT, we got to enjoy seeing her run for the first time in her high school career!

She didnt PR, but she is on track (get it) :) to understanding what she needs to do to step it up! Just like in Cross Country, she figured it out and was killing it fast! Cant wait to see how it all unfolds for track! 

She ran the 1600 in this one and did it in 6.54 time!

I just hope the weather stays the way it was for the remaining meets..........since we have to endure the long days! :) fingers crossed!

Our track star!

There they go! Around four times!

Love seeing when she grinds and passes other girls!

Trucking it!

Friday, February 28, 2025

First home soccer game!

 Lily had her first high school soccer home game last night. They played against Hokes Bluff and though they had their full Varsity team out there and they did a bunch of pushing and shoving, our girls pushed hard but did not come away with the win.

It was a COLD and WINDY one for the books! We were sad about the loss but not sad to be home in the warmth!

In the action!

Love watching her out on the field!

Hokes Bluff was rough!

GO Lily!

They fought hard!

Our soccer star!

When I have a visitor, and its been awhile!

They dont get to come to my office as much as they did when they were younger. In the past, I would load up their favorite toys, coloring books, snacks and they would love to sit and be in my office.

Now, both are going in completely different directions and one is driving so them coming in doesnt happen anymore.

But, on days like yesterday, I had a visitor! 

Lily texted me that she really didnt want to sit up at the school and possibly be forced to practice since they had their first home soccer game, so I went and got get her................and some Taco Bell and we enjoyed some time before I had to take her back to the school.

I looked over and saw a flash of 'little Lily' sitting there even though there isnt a sign of her around anymore which is so hard to believe!

But, happy that she got to come and enjoy her food and us have some chat time!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025