Monday, November 29, 2021

Last weekend of November!

 Gracious November has just flown!

It hasnt been that busy...but just has gone by so quick!

We had a great low-key weekend since we've had a busy week. Coming back from 30 degree weather to high 50's mid 60's has been nice so we have enjoyed it!

Lily has rode and played and played with neighborhood friends to soak up the nice days!

We got our Christmas decor up and shining outside...watched the MOST insane Iron Bowl game I have ever witnessed....and relaxed to gear up for our week back in the groove!

My view! SHOCKED that after half-time...THIS was the score. It was an amazing game............Auburn should HAVE won....oh it was heartbreaking I tell ya................heartbreaking! 4 overtimes! WHAT!?!? At least we were watching with allll other Auburn fans....The Fritts, Sorianos and Christophers. I dont think I could have handled it if I was with an Alabama fan! :)

Lily got a new hair-do! Looks SO cute on her! She was up and ready to get to school to see all of her friends this morning!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Round 2...a fun ending Thanksgiving!

 Meg hosted Thanksgiving this year in her and Chase's new home and it was perfection!

Always fun with everyone!

Just growing up...I tell ya...WOW!

This little cutie...was all pillowed in! ha! He enjoyed looking at the Christmas tree while we ate! ha!
Look at allll these sweet babies!

A Law Thanksgiving!

 We got home Wednesday and then had Thanksgiving Thursday!

We enjoyed Garfrerick's for Thanksgiving lunch! YUM!

READY to eat! :)

THIS girl! Had TWO plates! She ate it all...on the first plate...then asked for double potatoes...on the SECOND plate...and BOY she had a lot to eat! ha!

Happy Thanksgiving!

A blast from the past!

 I love seeing pictures from the past and then seeing how much everyone has changed!

Nan and Brandi havent changed a bit...but two little girls....are NOT little anymore!

LOVE this!

LOOK at these babies! This is the last time the girls had been to Gatlinburg! Nan and Pawpaw took the girls as Tyler and I had to work. Look how little! goodness....look at them now!

It cracks me up....with these pictures...because poor things...the sun is blinding!

Wrapping up our trip!

 Day 3 started out with a yummy breakfast followed by more shopping and sightseeing...some skylifts and ice skating!

Apple Barn...SO good! This picture cracks me up!

Just about the time...when Santa's hand fell off! bahaha! :)

Up next....THIS view! So pretty! The girls were amazed at being so high!

Lily wanted to skate so bad so her Daddy did it with her! I should have done it too...we love ice skating!

Priceless picture!
One of my favorite pictures!
Ober Gatlinburg with this crew! The next morning we had breakfast and then headed back home. Such a fun trip to help get me in the holiday spirit!

A Gatlinburg Thanksgiving!

 We had a wonderful trip to Gatlinburg with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi over Thanksgiving break.

The weather was supposed to be horrible with rain and really cold weather but it was the most perfect Fall/Winter weather to be in the mountains! 

We loaded up and headed on Sunday and came back Wednesday and it was full of good food, shopping and fun memories!

Sunday we got there and unloaded and hit the streets to head to dinner! OH so good and then we hit the 'strip' to do some sightseeing and shopping before heading back to crash!

The crew!
Starbucks for the win...and snowmen! :)

Family picture!

Of COURSE had to have a picture in the sleigh!

I hate this one is a little blurry!

Day 2..up and ready for breakfast and then a day full of fun! It was supposed to rain this day and it turned out to be beautiful!
The girls were SO excited to try out Paula Deen's Lumberjack adventure! They were so brave and had so much fun!
Nan about had 35.....000 {that's 35,000 :) } :) heart attacks while the girls did this! ha! The girls did AWESOME!
Look at Lily up there! So brave and did so good!
Race to the top and then propelling off!
Next up...yeah...jumping off THIS! Both girls jumped right off and had a blast!
Next up...Lily...doing the zipline roller coaster!
This was up next.......the zipline roller coaster! SO much fun!
Kind of out of order, but this was Alexis jumping off! ha! Look at her legs! :)

Lily jumping off!

Once we were done with shopping and eating...we got back to the hotel and these three with Pawpaw headed out on the main drag to shop some more and get alllll the candy from the candy shop! :)

Ready to go!
My view from our balcony! I stayed curled up watching Hallmark movies while they were gone and enjoyed some peace! ha! That wraps up day 2!

Feels like Christmas!

 My most favorite time of the now!

I have loved Fall and the weather has been so nice...but I have to say, I love NOW...minus the weather...I do not like the cold! :)

Tyler surprised me with tons of magnolia branches! He knows me well! So...I loved making good use of them!

Adore the wreath I made! transition to CHRISTMAS!!

Lily asked for a 'rainbow different colored' light tree so that's exactly what I did this year and I love it! She was so excited to help decorate and have this tree!
Always love the dining room!

More magnolia leaves on the mantle! I have LOVED it! Sad to say...they didnt last very long due to the heat in the house but next up will be cedar garland...which I love too!

Friday, November 19, 2021

My work family!


Love my work family and I have to makes work alot more fun to have them around!

Celebrating Betsy's big 5-0!

 Enjoying the Thanksgiving lunch. OH MY delish!

Alexis' first home basketball games!

 Alexis cheered her 1st home games last night as basketball season is in full swing. The girls played and lost and the boys won. I have to say, the boys game was exciting to watch! Here's to many more games to come! ha! :)

Love watching her cheer!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

A little of this and that!

 A little of this and that post for your Thursday!


Im loving my view these days! The afternoons have been just amazingly beautiful weather so the 'crew' always meets up at 'Lily's house'...............and they all know when to go home too! ha! It is so funny!...there will be anywhere between 5 and 8 bikes parked and then right before 5:00pm (just before it gets dark) they are all gone home. Seeing this view and knowing my girls are making sweet memories with the neighborhood friends are wonderful. I can find them bouncing from house to house...jumping on our trampoline, swinging in the backyard, playing hide-and-go-seek and just all the laughter is so fun!

Lily had her follow up appt from where she had her MRI and MRA back October. All scans came back clear which was AMAZING news! So, the red spot on her eye is just something she will just have to learn to love and hopefully one day it will just go away and as long as it still keeps not being a problem, then there is nothing to worry about and with her headaches, that is just something that is thankfully not connected and as long as they do not get worse or more often they are nothing to worry about either. We celebrated with shopping and OF COURSE she HAD to eat at PF Changs! :)
Alexis had 'Friendsgiving' at Church and its always great to see her loving Youth and all the sweet Church friends!