Thursday, November 11, 2021

She was 3...and now she is 13!

 I promise you...

this was JUST yesterday!

I remember this day literally like it was yesterday! She was 3. Head strong, stubborn, independent, full of life sass all wrapped into a chunky chubby cheeked little blonde!

This day...she refused to take a nap. She was grouchy! She needed one. She was NOT having one! Her exact words on this day were....'Mommy, I not 'seepy!' I NOT 'seepy' I a big girl and I not need to go to take a nap Mommy!' 

Finally....I just made her go sit on the big chair and rest for a minute so I could feed Lily. She agreed to that because it was only going to be a minute while I fed Lily.

As SOON as she sat on that chair....with her legs crossed and her arms too.....since she was NOT tired {remember} she passed out one second after climbing up! ha! forward.........

10 years!!!


How has time moved 10 years and she is now 13!?!?!


Allll that full of life sass is still there...just in bigger, not so chubby cheeked blonde! :)

My girl is growing up and I am thankful to get to call her my matter her age, she will always be that chubby cheeked little blonde full of sass girl to me!



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