Monday, July 21, 2014

A little bit of this and a little bit of that...

Well, I havent been posting as much lately as I normally do because...well, I have been tired! :) We have been busy and with throwing cheerleading practice two times a week in the mix is wearing me out! ha!

Cheerleading practice is going really well! The girls are slowly but surely getting what it takes to be a cheerleader! :) Watching them catch on to learning new cheers, etc is so great to see! I am loving being a coach...but it is hard too! :)

A few other things that have been going on in our world is Aubie has officially become a Law! :) What I mean by that is he is fitting right in to the family! He is such a sweet kitten and goodness does he have some energy! He reminds me of the girls in that he can just keep going and going!

Alexis is officially thinking that she is SOOOO grown now that she has turned 6! Everyday...and I mean everyday!!....she measures how tall she is and says how much she has grown since turning 6! :)

Lily is growing and blossoming too! She is still not pooping in the potty though! I am hoping with all my heart that she will start using the potty to poop! :) She knows that she needs to go in the toilet but for whatever reason, she will not use it!

Some things Lily is saying and up to these days!...She loves to say 'not no more!' {Not sure where she got that from but it cracks me up to hear her say it!} :) She still loves to say 'hold you!' and still LOVES her 'Giraffe-e' :)

As you can see from the picture....Lily has worn off the hair completely from her Giraffe's tail! She drags this stuffed animal everywhere!
AND!!!....Alexis officially is riding her bike without training wheels! SOOO proud of her!! She road around and around the JSU track this past weekend! Her Daddy was SUPER proud of her!
And look at this cutie riding her tricycle! :) She had fun riding around too!

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