Wednesday, July 23, 2014

At the end of the day...

9 years! Ty and I have been married 9 years on this day!

To look back at all the years and see how far we have come in our relationship and our love for each other is just wonderful to see!...........

From when Tyler and I began dating, then marriage I have grown so much as a person.  I know I have alot to still work on and every day I strive to be a better wife because I know that it will only benefit our relationship!

We have built such a great life together in these 9 years and are raising two beautiful sassy little girls! I am so thankful to see how far we have come and all the memories we have made together!

Now dont get me wrong.....our marriage has not been all sunshine and roses. We have had our not so good times and we have had bad days and have cried and yelled and even not so much liked each other too. With those not so good days, we still have managed to grow and keep hanging on together. the end of the day, even if I am mad at him, my world would be upside down and my life would not be complete without him! :)

I look forward to the rest of our lives together and can not wait to see what our future holds!

Through the good and the bad, you are the one I love and at the end of the day who I am thankful to have!.........

Happy 9 years, I love you!

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