Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wordless Wednesday!


 This seems the most fitting today as I saw it...since I am sitting here literally working on TEN papers to complete my final comps for my Master's. I actually have completed 5 papers so I just have 5 more. I CAN do this....and will survive! :)

Friday, March 24, 2023

Crazy how 5 years have gone! A different view!

Crazy how this Spring break....

marks 5 years since the tornado that hit Jacksonville.

My goodness, 5 years has flown and it is crazy that I put everything into perspective from the tornado.

For example, when I am thinking back to something...time reference wise, I the tornado was 5 years it was 2 years before then.


So, my view in 5 years has changed....

and I have to say...

I like my view 5 years later MUCH better!

Yeah...insane to come home from our Memphis Spring break trip, that was cut short, because of THIS!

5 years later................I will take this view instead ANY day!

Zipping down the zipline!

 We have never done it before.

We have talked about it and Lily has done small ones and Alexis did a little one...years back...

but nothing like what we did!

We were HIGH...

in the trees...

and zipping through the State park on a mountain with the lake and allll its gorgeousness around us!

We all loved it and had a great time! Very worth it!

Lily zipping down! We went from tree to tree! So fun!

Cannot beat THIS VIEW!

Look at him zipping! I realized I didnt get any pictures of Alexis. Only videos of her!

The end! This view at the end was the best! It lasted a little over 2 hours and such a fun thing for us to do as a family!

A little Spring break getaway!

 I love trips....

big ones...

one day ones...

a couple of day ones...

just exploring....learning the culture...seeing what is near us....far from us. The world is something to learn, explore and love and this little trip we had was just that!

Who knew that a short drive to Guntersville, Alabama would be such a fun and one of our new favorite little gems!

Alexis ranked it number 2 on her list! Auburn still being number 1 and then Guntersville is now number 2!

We will for sure be back and since there is sooo much more to explore and do, we cant wait until our next little getaway! 

The weather wasnt really what the weather app told us so instead of doing some things we had planned we changed it up and hit shopping and then a fun lunch before going to the movies! This place was NICE and brand new and had heated seats! Lily and I went to one movie and Tyler and Lex went to a different one so us two enjoyed ours and were amazed with how cozy we felt!

After all that fun, we headed to the Lodge and checked it out! So nice!

I mean the VIEW! Amazing!

Then we got our chalet and checked it out! Sooo cute!

And..........nothing but windows and that amazing view! Beautiful!

We hung out at the chalet and then got 'fancy' per Lily and headed to dinner and then enjoyed downtown Guntersville!

My side of the table!

The other side!

We ended the night with multiple games for a major family game night!

Allll by the fire! Ahhhh...nice!

Next morning....this is what we woke up to!

And then the most fun! We did the zipline and OH, the best memories!

After we hiked! It was allll fun and games going down! bahaha!........................going BACK UP... 
kicked our booties! ha! It was all worth it and fun though!

We made it down the hike to THIS! It was just sooo peaceful to sit by the water and enjoy the day!
And take in the views!

After we hiked we headed back to the chalet and played more games, rested, got cleaned up and then headed back in to town for some fun shopping and then a fun dinner!

Ended it all by getting back just in time for the sun to set! Cannot beat this view from our deck! We had the best time and already talking about next time!

A beautiful Spring day for a ride and a picnic!

 We have had a mix of cold...rainy...and beautiful sunny days this Spring break so far.

It has worked out well because the days that we have really wanted to do something, it has been beautiful and the days that we need to do school has been gross. So, staying in hasnt been so bad to get work done when we needed!

BUT on this day! It was a little chilly but it was beautiful and warmed up so we did one of my MOST favorite things on this planet and we had so much fun!

Taking off on a bike ride and picnic is one of my most favorite things to do with my little family!

I feel like it was JUST yesterday....that we had to drive to an area and then ride our bikes because the girls couldnt make it very far riding {despite their best efforts!} but NOW....

we cant keep up with them and they are fighting on who takes the lead!

My gracious how time flies!

Cant even keep up with them anymore!

Always love having a picnic! 

A cookie and a creek...and a girl that is growing up WAY toooo fast!

My favorite!

Turtle lake is one of my favorites!

Monday, March 20, 2023

OH the sweet memories!

 This popped up on my memories...and it is a collection....of my memories!

OH, this made me smile!

Look at alllll these sweet pictures!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Cousins and date night!

 Our Spring break is starting off pretty well!

It has been a beautiful but COLD start so we are looking forward to it warming up in the next couple of days!

The girls and I hit B'ham again because they were dying to meet baby Miles and to see Maggie! So we popped over and saw allllll the cousins, had lunch and then came back home! It was a nice little trip!

Look at these cuties! My two have been wanting cousins for the longest! They had so much fun playing with Reese!

Sweet cousins!

Maggie is the absolute sweetest!

She loooovvess to dance!
Love my Mal!
Then over to see this sweet baby! They kept fighting to switch to hold him! :)
Love my Meg!

Love my guy! Then us two had a date night with friends and it was such a great way to kick off Spring break and end a perfection of a day!

Today was full of Church...and now both Tyler and I are working on a paper! Going to get as much schoolwork done as I can but still try and soak up being off this upcoming week!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

I got to meet a sweet little person named Miles!



benefit of having your OBGYN still in Birmingham....

is that you get to take lunch and spend time with one of your most favorite people...

and meet her new little man!

OH he is so adorable an I SO enjoyed seeing Chase and Meg and meeting Miles!

So proud of Meg! She looked great and is rocking being Momma!

Spring picture day!

 Lily picked out her outfit...

fixed her hair...

did her make-up...

did Callie's make-up...

and was READY for picture day!

Sunday, March 12, 2023

I mean Lily was just little!


She is growing up sooo fast!

I mean...

this was just yesterday!

Circa 2012

 To now...

Circa 2023

The rest of our weekend!

 The rest of our weekend consisted of....Lex spending the night with Sydney and Payton after they got done working both the JV and Varsity baseball games on Friday.

Lily had her dance and then dinner and spend the night with the Fritts....and Alexis tagged along again as well for that.

Then more friends riding and bikes and kids on the trampoline all afternoon today!

FULL but busy!

GOSH they both look so grown!

These two have been friends since they were barely walking!
And the them!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Lily's 5th grade Daddy/Daughter dance!

 She only has one left!

Time is a thief!

She is growing into such a beautiful little lady and OH it has been a pleasure to watch her grow!

She is my child that is not the picture taker. Not the one to strike a pose. She didnt want ANYONE to look at her as she was taking pictures. People driving down the road........not even looking at her....were looking at her...according to her! :) But she is beautiful both inside and out and the pictures she let me take....captured that!

This little lady of ours!


So pretty!

One of my favorites!

Another favorite!

Love! I just love them all! :)

The green door! I wish it wasnt so sunny!


One of my extra favorites! 

Another favorite!

OH....I love this one!

Such a cute spot!

This is Lily! LOVE!

Another favorite!

A Daddy and his girl!

Love our bush in the backyard!

Love them and this picture!

I know they are going to have a blast tonight! Tyler will probably be standing with all the other Dads ....and Lily will be out dancing with her friends....but they still will have so much fun! They are doing dinner with the Fritts and the Messers so they will be extra fun!

Lex spent the night with Sydney....last night...and then she is currently at Sam Parker's 15th birthday dinner party............ so...I have the house to myself! :) :)