Sunday, March 5, 2023

A girl's day!

 It has been awhile since we have had just a girl's day...

so Saturday it was!

I had a mission for new sandals for Lily for her Daddy/Daughter dance coming up.....a new rug...


I would say I succeeded and even picked up another kid along the way too!

New shoes...check and check!

I mean... buy one get one 50 percent off! You have to take the deal! :)

Lunch! This is where I picked up an extra child somehow! ha! :) Carli was playing in an all day softball tournament so Callie didnt want to stay!

She refused to lean in and take a the one on I took one when she wasnt looking! :)

Friends...check....Starbucks...check...beautiful day with sunroof open...check...NEW and fun rug...check! Perfection of a day!

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