Saturday, March 11, 2023

Lily's 5th grade Daddy/Daughter dance!

 She only has one left!

Time is a thief!

She is growing into such a beautiful little lady and OH it has been a pleasure to watch her grow!

She is my child that is not the picture taker. Not the one to strike a pose. She didnt want ANYONE to look at her as she was taking pictures. People driving down the road........not even looking at her....were looking at her...according to her! :) But she is beautiful both inside and out and the pictures she let me take....captured that!

This little lady of ours!


So pretty!

One of my favorites!

Another favorite!

Love! I just love them all! :)

The green door! I wish it wasnt so sunny!


One of my extra favorites! 

Another favorite!

OH....I love this one!

Such a cute spot!

This is Lily! LOVE!

Another favorite!

A Daddy and his girl!

Love our bush in the backyard!

Love them and this picture!

I know they are going to have a blast tonight! Tyler will probably be standing with all the other Dads ....and Lily will be out dancing with her friends....but they still will have so much fun! They are doing dinner with the Fritts and the Messers so they will be extra fun!

Lex spent the night with Sydney....last night...and then she is currently at Sam Parker's 15th birthday dinner party............ so...I have the house to myself! :) :)

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