Sunday, March 19, 2023

Cousins and date night!

 Our Spring break is starting off pretty well!

It has been a beautiful but COLD start so we are looking forward to it warming up in the next couple of days!

The girls and I hit B'ham again because they were dying to meet baby Miles and to see Maggie! So we popped over and saw allllll the cousins, had lunch and then came back home! It was a nice little trip!

Look at these cuties! My two have been wanting cousins for the longest! They had so much fun playing with Reese!

Sweet cousins!

Maggie is the absolute sweetest!

She loooovvess to dance!
Love my Mal!
Then over to see this sweet baby! They kept fighting to switch to hold him! :)
Love my Meg!

Love my guy! Then us two had a date night with friends and it was such a great way to kick off Spring break and end a perfection of a day!

Today was full of Church...and now both Tyler and I are working on a paper! Going to get as much schoolwork done as I can but still try and soak up being off this upcoming week!

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