Saturday, January 27, 2024

Miss Golden Eagle pageant!

 Always one of the highlights of the year!

Alexis always shines and I just love to see her up on stage!

It makes for a long day of getting ready...etc....

but it is worth it to see her up there and just gorgeous!

So proud of her!

1st runner up Miss Golden Eagle her Sophomore year!

Lex and sweet Kylie!

Fam pic!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

3 Things!

 It is that time for a 3 things post...2024 edition!


1. She is rocking her Sophomore year! It is almost over and crazy as it is, she is already gearing up for her Junior year! Cheer tryouts are around the corner and all things schedule, etc are happening!

2. Her 'lingo' and what I mean by do teenagers have to talk with such weird words?!? Bruh, and buc....and I dont even know the other words to put them on here! I do not like any of the slang that they talk in and I dont even know what half the words mean. What has happened to proper English!?

3. Driving. She is close to 16...and on her own! She has been doing so good practicing and paying attention. She was really bad about asking...'Do I turn down here, do I keep going straight?!' I told her that she is the driver. She has to figure out where and how to get to the location. So, she is getting really good about directions and how to get from point A to point B!


1. Just this morning she made the statement that she doesnt like school. (As we sat in the car rider the pouring rain...on a dark morning). So, my comment was...'Dont you realize if you are going to Vet school...that you have a lot of school ahead of you?' Her response back.......'Well, that will be fun school so I will love that!' 

Well okay then! :)

2. She has gotten hooked on concentration camps and what the Germans did to the Jews during WWII and the Holocaust. She has been reading books after books and watching whatever movies she can get her hands on. She has learned about this in school and it has just been something that has stuck in her mind. When we went to the Holocaust Museum, she read every wall panel and took it all in. I have not seen her so passionate about a school topic like she has been for this. Her love for this is starting to outweigh her strong love for all things science! 

3. Track. She is trying a new sport this Spring and is SO excited about it. The Community center is not having Spring soccer so since they are not, she has opted for just trying track! She has been saying that she wants to do it in high school so this will give her a chance to see how it goes and if she likes it. So she will just try it and then do Fall soccer to gear up for tryouts and HIGH school in the Spring. Crazy to think she is about to be in the high school! She is excited to do both track and soccer then too!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

A little life lately!

 Still rolling through January. This cold...COLD...month of dreary and rain...

It is for sure not my favorite month! must go on!

We are making it!

The Auburn Eagle came for a visit at the school this week! Super highlight for Alexis and her Key Club group!

Another day...another basketball game we go!

Wordless Wednesday!



Monday, January 22, 2024

The rest of our weekend!



Lily enjoyed matching with Reese at the games Friday night! Such sweet friends!

Though she sat with Reese, she ended up going home with Callie to spend the night. Lily had a fun weekend of hanging with her bestest of friends!

Saturday was low-key of grilling out and watching Auburn basketball followed by Sunday Church, lunch then pageant practice!

Nothing special, but a good weekend to kick off this busy week!

County Champions!

 January seems to be falling flat in the blog world! We have been busy...but it also has been SO nice to not have much on the agenda!

So, when we do something, I am forgetting these days to pull out the ole phone to snap a picture. And then the days we are all curled up at home just relaxing...well, I dont even want to take a picture! :)

January has been a good month for exactly what we slow down! the mix of January...came County Champions!

Since Alexis has been on Varsity....we have lost to Oxford every time in the County Championship. Crazy as it is...we have gone on to win STATE.............

but that dang Oxford team.

Well, this season, not going to lie.............we thought we wouldnt win because we do not have any 'standout' Cade Phillips that has gone on to play for Tennessee or the next year, Broome who has gone on to play for big schools too.

But...this season...

this team is different.

I love watching them play as a TEAM! They dont need a standout player. They all play together and it is fun to watch...


what did they do??!?!?!

They BEAT Oxford!

It was such a great game too!

SO proud of them and glad Alexis got to cheer them on!

So exciting!

Check out that scoreboard at half-time!
Love watching her!

Final! Way to go Eagles!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Only 3 snowflakes!

 The big debate last night............was if we were going to get a lot of snow or not.


Daddy said...............

only going to get 3 snowflakes!

Well, this morning, he got a call................from Lily telling him that MORE than 3 snowflakes were falling so he was WRONG!


well, we didnt get much...not even enough to talk about, but it did make us have a 3 hour delay tomorrow though...

so, the girls are pumped about getting to have a little more sleep in the morning!

Since we found school! work!........we played games!

The girls always wins with this game! The 'challenge' at the end always cracks me up! Lily challenged Daddy to putting your hands behind their backs and then whoever the fastest could bring them to the front wins. She blew him away! :)

Checking out the snow falling! So excited....thinking there were going to be inches and inches in no time! :)

Their bubble was busted but we enjoyed our day off!

They always love to paint so a surprise run to Starbucks for a treat and then blasting Taylor Swift and singing while painting for these two while I worked and did laundry!

Alexis still isnt finished with hers but it is will be a colorful disco ball!

Monday, January 15, 2024


 It is that time....

I got out my Valentines decor and now we are enjoying alllll the love....and hearts over here! :)

Happy birthday Soccer!

 We are not really sure when his birthday is! We got him in February...of 2020...

and he was, I dont know, maybe, 6 weeks old then. So, his birthday is somewhere between the end of December.......or in January! ha!

So, to help remember it..............

and we had cupcakes!..............

We went ahead and celebrated though we may be a little early....or late.... with it! :)

SO....happy FOURTH birthday to you!

Tyler refused to wear a hat or be in a picture....but he took that means he loves Soccer just as much! :) :) 

We sang him Happy Birthday and ate honor of him! :)

Their bond!

 Their bond is like nothing I have ever seen or experienced. I have never had a pet that I was so close to and that was ever just so stuck to me that Soccer is to Lily!

Soccer LOVES Lily. I mean loves her.

He will a baby......waiting for her to come out of wherever she is. If the door is closed and he knows she is in it...he will cry until he is with her.

He follows her around.......everywhere.

He lights up when he sees her.

Just the slightest sound of her voice....he perks up.

He will jump in her lap and just rub his face all over hers. Lick her nose and just love on her. She carries him around like a baby on her hip..............and by his face, he knows he is king of the castle!

The sweetest most rotten cat!

This is also how we have been pretty much all of January and especially this cold weekend! And we are loving it!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Wordless Wednesday!


 Wordless Wednesday is back and ready for the new year!

Delays and days.......

 You know...getting back in the groove of things....

does come with all the things with it! Meaning, weather delays, getting home super late from basketball games, homework, student issues at work.....the list is endless!

BUT, there is always something to be thankful for and you should always try and find the good in every situation because it always there even if you have to look a little harder.....

This one was super excited to spend about 30 minutes with me this week in my office! Bad weather delay caused them having to go in an hour later but since my work time was about that time, Alexis had to go to school and Lily got to hang with me!

She said that she wanted to stay and work for me and not go to school anymore. Though I would love to have an assistant.........yeah, that isnt going to happen! :)

BONUS, her Daddy surprised us and came in. She was shocked to see him standing there! Like she didnt think that we are co-workers too! ha! :)

Another year............another game....another long night!

BUT.....our boys fought hard and a big win over Piedmont! It was a great game!

Monday, January 8, 2024

1st full weekend of 2024!

 What did we do our first full weekend of 2024?!?!

Pretty much NOTHING and it was fabulous!

It was a cold, dreary and rainy weekend so we soaked up just relaxing at home and staying on our comfy clothes and it was nice!

I would have done the same but for Sunday we kicked out the 1st sermon of the year and it was SO good at Church, then lunch and of course a Wal-Mart run to gear up for the week before heading home to just get comfy again!

It was nice I tell ya!

Church girls on a Sunday!

Notice............Lily's sweater!..............

SO cute right!?!?!

She got some compliments on it at Church....which you would think would make her proud, happy even!

WELL........OH my goodness...

you would have THOUGHT this sweater was sent by the Devil himself.......or SOMETHING!

Lily hates it...........and complained about it and acted like wearing it was ruining her whole life. 

So, she was made to wear it and be thankful and had a big talking to about how she acted. You would have thought she was off the movie, A Christmas Story when he wore the pink bunny outfit! That is how she made it! I mean really!............

Friday, January 5, 2024

In the groove!

 We are BACK in action! all happening again! 

Regular programming is hard after a nice long break but I always love to be back in a schedule so its been good! Now...throw in the JSU students, who start back Monday.........yeah, that may be a different story for me!

My life is work...when the students arent in class yet! :)

Here's to 2024!

We made it to Friday!