Monday, January 22, 2024

County Champions!

 January seems to be falling flat in the blog world! We have been busy...but it also has been SO nice to not have much on the agenda!

So, when we do something, I am forgetting these days to pull out the ole phone to snap a picture. And then the days we are all curled up at home just relaxing...well, I dont even want to take a picture! :)

January has been a good month for exactly what we slow down! the mix of January...came County Champions!

Since Alexis has been on Varsity....we have lost to Oxford every time in the County Championship. Crazy as it is...we have gone on to win STATE.............

but that dang Oxford team.

Well, this season, not going to lie.............we thought we wouldnt win because we do not have any 'standout' Cade Phillips that has gone on to play for Tennessee or the next year, Broome who has gone on to play for big schools too.

But...this season...

this team is different.

I love watching them play as a TEAM! They dont need a standout player. They all play together and it is fun to watch...


what did they do??!?!?!

They BEAT Oxford!

It was such a great game too!

SO proud of them and glad Alexis got to cheer them on!

So exciting!

Check out that scoreboard at half-time!
Love watching her!

Final! Way to go Eagles!

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