Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Delays and days.......

 You know...getting back in the groove of things....

does come with all the things with it! Meaning, weather delays, getting home super late from basketball games, homework, student issues at work.....the list is endless!

BUT, there is always something to be thankful for and you should always try and find the good in every situation because it always there even if you have to look a little harder.....

This one was super excited to spend about 30 minutes with me this week in my office! Bad weather delay caused them having to go in an hour later but since my work time was about that time, Alexis had to go to school and Lily got to hang with me!

She said that she wanted to stay and work for me and not go to school anymore. Though I would love to have an assistant.........yeah, that isnt going to happen! :)

BONUS, her Daddy surprised us and came in. She was shocked to see him standing there! Like she didnt think that we are co-workers too! ha! :)

Another year............another game....another long night!

BUT.....our boys fought hard and a big win over Piedmont! It was a great game!

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