Monday, January 15, 2024

Their bond!

 Their bond is like nothing I have ever seen or experienced. I have never had a pet that I was so close to and that was ever just so stuck to me that Soccer is to Lily!

Soccer LOVES Lily. I mean loves her.

He will a baby......waiting for her to come out of wherever she is. If the door is closed and he knows she is in it...he will cry until he is with her.

He follows her around.......everywhere.

He lights up when he sees her.

Just the slightest sound of her voice....he perks up.

He will jump in her lap and just rub his face all over hers. Lick her nose and just love on her. She carries him around like a baby on her hip..............and by his face, he knows he is king of the castle!

The sweetest most rotten cat!

This is also how we have been pretty much all of January and especially this cold weekend! And we are loving it!

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