Thursday, January 25, 2024

3 Things!

 It is that time for a 3 things post...2024 edition!


1. She is rocking her Sophomore year! It is almost over and crazy as it is, she is already gearing up for her Junior year! Cheer tryouts are around the corner and all things schedule, etc are happening!

2. Her 'lingo' and what I mean by do teenagers have to talk with such weird words?!? Bruh, and buc....and I dont even know the other words to put them on here! I do not like any of the slang that they talk in and I dont even know what half the words mean. What has happened to proper English!?

3. Driving. She is close to 16...and on her own! She has been doing so good practicing and paying attention. She was really bad about asking...'Do I turn down here, do I keep going straight?!' I told her that she is the driver. She has to figure out where and how to get to the location. So, she is getting really good about directions and how to get from point A to point B!


1. Just this morning she made the statement that she doesnt like school. (As we sat in the car rider the pouring rain...on a dark morning). So, my comment was...'Dont you realize if you are going to Vet school...that you have a lot of school ahead of you?' Her response back.......'Well, that will be fun school so I will love that!' 

Well okay then! :)

2. She has gotten hooked on concentration camps and what the Germans did to the Jews during WWII and the Holocaust. She has been reading books after books and watching whatever movies she can get her hands on. She has learned about this in school and it has just been something that has stuck in her mind. When we went to the Holocaust Museum, she read every wall panel and took it all in. I have not seen her so passionate about a school topic like she has been for this. Her love for this is starting to outweigh her strong love for all things science! 

3. Track. She is trying a new sport this Spring and is SO excited about it. The Community center is not having Spring soccer so since they are not, she has opted for just trying track! She has been saying that she wants to do it in high school so this will give her a chance to see how it goes and if she likes it. So she will just try it and then do Fall soccer to gear up for tryouts and HIGH school in the Spring. Crazy to think she is about to be in the high school! She is excited to do both track and soccer then too!

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