Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Lily's first soccer game!

 Lily had her 1st soccer game of the season last night and they looked good!

We dont know many on her team as most of the ones she has been playing with in year's past arent playing. {That's usually what happens when they start getting older and realizing it isnt for them}


its for Lily and she loves playing and last night they came away with their 1st win too!

They actually played like a team and passed to each other and just played so well overall!

Our soccer girl!

The team! It is a big team. This is the 1st time she is in this age group so she is the youngest. It can be intimidating but she is handling it well even though being more aggressive is something to work on even though the others are older and bigger.

She is ready!

She loves playing offensive...still not so much defense! 

She loves to get the ball!

Our number 4!

But...she is pretty good at defending even if it isnt her favorite. Love watching her play even if the games seem to take forever and I do nothing but swat bugs the entire game! :)

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