Friday, September 9, 2022

We got to see Hank and Reese!! And..a NEW baby on the way!

 Oh my goodness it makes me so happy to see my cousins with their kiddos!

Everyone has little ones! Including Meg who is due to March! YAYY!!

So Blake and Margie are in town for a little bit so we met them and the kiddos played! LaLa had Reese because she is staying with them so Mallory and Bill can be with Maggie as she recovers so it worked out so well to spend time!

I just LOVE them all so it was a great afternoon!

I am SO beyond excited for these two! Sweet baby Miles Benjamin Dewberry coming soon!

These two were having a blast as we waited on everyone to get to the park!
The big kid in red.........about busted it! I was laughing so hard!

LOOK at all these babies! We had the best time even if it was short!

Hank in those cowboy boys with his chunky legs, walking, MY FAVORITE!

Reese...oh my goodness, little sassy thing! We had her telling us what everyone's name is and if she forgot, she would call them 'abba du du!' 

I was dying laughing! That girl....her age...saying 'abba du du' {like where did that word in her mind even come from} bahahaha! Too funny! 

{Notice Lily's hair....Madelyn re-did it for her because she said I didnt do the 'bubbles' correctly! I have to say this looks better than the picture I took of her before she left school with the way I had fixed it! ha!} :)

Reese just ate up the big girls playing with her! Her dress had to come off because she wanted to play in the rain puddles! It was a sweet afternoon!

For the record, I remember when my two were the size of Reese. Look at them now! Gracious time flies!

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