Friday, September 30, 2022

The best pep rally yet!

 They had a good one today!

I am glad I was able to make it!

Lily and allllllllllll the Screaming Eagles got to go to this pep rally too so it was loud and fun!

The theme was Black Out so it was all neon and black lights and glow sticks!

Alexis did a great dance and a great stunt! 

So proud of her!

Top right...close to the very top of the bleachers, there is my Screaming Eagle!

The crowd was excited and loud!

Then the lights went out!

Time for the cheerleaders!
I did not know the song but apparently the entire gym did and they were singing along.

Look! She really does shine!

Living their best life!

Time for a PIE in the face!

The cheerleaders made these megaphones and were challenged to not talk the whole day. Well..........uh....Alexis didnt make it past first period! Sara Kate (right in the middle) got to pie Alexis! So that meant, she talked to SK first! :)

All the whip cream!

Cracks me up! SK was nice to Lex............some people got it alllll over the others!

Fun pep rally!

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