Sunday, September 25, 2022

Wrapping up HOCO week!

 We had the Homecoming parade and the game to wrap up this week! 

Whew, it was a lot and I am tired but it was a great week!

We had a big win over Ohatchee to seal the deal!

Both girls had fun dress up days all week! Ranging from college team day to ice out the Indians! On Tuesday night....our house got rolled! Totally didnt expect this since everyone says..........Jacksonville's Seniors and Juniors only do 'Junior-Senior' Wars...

Well, I heard some rumbling outside but didnt even think to look and just thought it was that they were up and down the streets since it was what the week is about. Well, it was a sad excuse of a rolling...they could have done a better job but hey, we didnt have to clean up much! ha! They spelled Alexis' name out in ketchup on the drive-way. Yeah, it is still there. Not coming up for awhile! We will have to get a pressure washer for that and hope that gets it up! All fun tough, Tyler didnt have a come apart, which I was shocked about!

Pitiful! ha! I need to teach them a thing or two! :)

Alexis found out that the some Juniors did it and then some Freshman were with them. Everyone says....its because she is well liked. That made her smile! :)

The Freshman float getting ready to go! We needed two 'scared Indians' Javain and Ray fit the bill!
Some Freshman cheerleaders in front of their Freshman float!

Here comes the float! So BOO, they got 3rd place! I just knew they would win! The Sophomores won!

Here come the cheerleaders and football!

This crew got alllll the candy! It was a great parade!
It was an outside pep rally since the parade was around the Jville Square. The cheerleaders got to be on the stage! 

Such a HUGE turnout! Love the school spirit!

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