Tuesday, August 29, 2023

3 Things-new school year edition!

 It is that time!

3 things!


1. She is rocking the 6th grade year so far! She says it is her favorite and she has only been in it for what 2 weeks! She is an ambassador and LOVING it! That is alllll that she talks about! She loves to help, loves to be a part of things and is just loving the fact that she is a 'senior' on campus!

2. Talk about Miss Independent. BOY, the stubborn, know it all streak is real with this one. She is my most responsible one. Always on top of everything....to a point that she tries to put me in line. :) Not happening sister! :)

3. Creative. Her creative streak is only getting stronger. She is constantly drawing and making something. Her most new craze is making bracelets. She can whip several up in two seconds it seems like! She needs to make a business out of them!


1. Sophomore status and taking Dual Enrollment classes are becoming real for her. Spanish is now the language that she speaks to us daily as she is trying to learn it. She can 'roll her tongue' and speak better Spanish that Tyler and I both can.................though Tyler tries really hard to sound better! ha!

2. She is a through and through 'Swiftie.' What does that mean you say?!?! That means that we all hear Taylor Swift songs NON-STOP from her! So much so that we noticed extra charges on our Alexa bill because she was charging to hear extended versions of her songs. Yeah, put that to a stop but that hasnt stopped her from listening, singing and having the love for Taylor!

3. She got her standing TUCK! Yeah...I have not seen it yet. She says she will do it soon but says she is working hard on it at tumbling so I cant wait to see her finally do it! One step closer to maybe being a College cheerleader if that is something she decides she wants to do!

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