Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Welcome to my new home!

 Fall is here....

not technically...but you know what I mean. When all the Summer fun ends and all the meetings start happening for Fall semester.........and school things start happening....

Fall is here in my book! :)

I have been super busy getting settled in my new office space and trying to clean out and organize to have a better and more efficient space for when the semester begins next week!

So, welcome in!

I loved my office space at Brookstone....... but knew this day would eventually get here once the old hospital could finally be moved in once it was renovated for us. We are still living in the renovations........but I am pretty settled and can function around here now at least!

I tried to get a full office picture but I couldnt make it happen due to the door and the hallway. Behind the door in the back of the picture is a great space that has my filing cabinets and a work area for my secretary and I when we have alllll the student STUFF we have to sort! :)

This is where I intend to live out the rest of my days at JSU.....so I have put my own personal little touch on the space! Of course that means......all the pictures of the girls! :)
The front corner! Nice and 'homey' for when people come in to chat! :) It has ended up being a great little space that meets my needs so I am ready for year 10 and a new and exciting semester to begin soon!

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