Saturday, August 5, 2023

Lily's start to her 'Senior' year!

 Lily is BEYOND excited about her 'Senior' year!

Going into 6th grade just completely changes their outlook and they all of a sudden become 'big' and 'cool' and that is exactly how Lily is right now!

She is SO sad that Callie has moved. Like talks about it every day! But after the 'Meet the Teacher' night, last night, her attitude has changed and she is excited about all her sweet friends in her class and she is excited to be back with them all!

It has made my heart happy for her!

Bring on 6th grade! Her last year at the Elementary school!

Lily is excited about having Mrs. Phillips as her homeroom teacher! She switches classes but will be with her most of the time!

Lily loves these two!
She is excited this group will be with her!

More sweet friends! She is going to have a great year!

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