Friday, August 30, 2024

1st of the season for our Gamecocks!

 First game in the books! It didnt turn out very well for JAX State, but I had a great time at the game anyways!

I actually didnt even watch it, but caught up with A LOT of people and enjoyed chatting!

Watched the Southerns and then headed home in time to get two girls to bed!

Tyler had his first game experience with his new position without any issues, so he got to enjoy the game and hang with me most of the time too!

When book club friends become Gamecock watching/cheering friends too!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wordless Wednesday!


We are back!

 New semester, new school year, NEW class is here!

We are back at it and it feels goooddd to have a routine!

Now, BOY, does the 5:15am class hit HARD, especially because I value my sleep, but it is nice to get up and going and have a great start to the morning!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Preparing for baby Lily!

 I didnt have my blog back when we lived in Birmingham...and I wish I did because I would love to read back on our life there!

BUT...........that isnt the case so I just cherish when I started it and enjoy from then to now!

So, when I see pictures, etc of our life 'before'......................I love to put it on there!


around this time.............

13 years ago.....................

I was preparing to have baby Lily!

Her nursery was ready.............all the clothes and diapers were in their place. I was a HUGE watermelon of a stomach....

and just literally counting down the days until our new baby would be here!


for a look back in time.....

of Lily's first nursery!

Lily's nursery was upstairs on our 2nd floor. She had her room right beside Alexis' and they shared a bathroom. 

I worked SO hard on getting this ready! I made the curtains....the pillows (all by myself, even though I did go to Anniston a couple of times and Nannie helped me sew) (Mandi, our neighbor also helped me too!) :)

I made the lamp shades, I recovered the chair and did the fabric on the side table and the picture frames too!

I wanted the theme to be a whimsical garden with birds.... 

It was so cute and though we didnt get to use it too long before it was time to pack up and move, I loved it while we were there and I really LOVED bringing new baby Lily home to enjoy it too!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sunday funday!

 Talk about tired!


Church, lunch, Wal-Mart run....

then a birthday party to finish out the weekend!

Whew, is all I can say! :)

Good thing the bday party, for Lily, was watching a movie...and she got to do this! :)

Lily's 1st Cross Country meet!


I mean...she is against SENIORS!

She killed it Saturday!

SO proud of her!

I mean, I just cant believe this is what she loves and just watching her do it amazes me!

This girls ROCKED it! The girls team, as a whole, got FIRST place! They dominated!

Love this picture!

DO you SEE waaayyyyy out there! YEAH, they started SO far away...and looookkkk at all those bodies. There were a lot of girls competing!

Here they alllll come!

Found our Lily!

Look at her GO!

The drive she has!
My favorite picture!

There was NOTHING like seeing her coming up on the finish line. My heart burst! Literally, I lost my breath watching her appear! SO proud!
Her name in lights!
Not all were able to say...but look at that trophy! The boys came in third place which was great! There were 14 teams! Great job!

The game!

 GAME time!

It was an amazing evening! Could not ask for better weather!

Love watching them!

LOOK at her!

Friday night lights-but first pep rally!

 It is HERE!

I LOVE Friday night lights!

It was a nail biter too!

We pulled out a BIG win against Etowah and it was a great game!

Too bad, Tyler and I left at half-time...because Lily...whew, does NOT play when it comes to what she needs to do to gear up for her meets! :)

So, we got her home and to bed...............with her time approval! :)

That time is here when we are BUSY! :)

ROCK and ROLL theme!

Our Junior! .....just WOW!

Look at those cheerleaders!

I look over and our 7th grader is sitting right by me!

She would kill me if she knew I took this!............she was actually CHEERING..and dancing! Now, if she would have seen me..........she would have stopped!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Niko last night!

 We have always enjoyed going to Spirit on the Mountain and ALL the things that kick off Fall semester!

The girls have always just been too young to stay for the concert....

until this year!

We got home late and this morning was a struggle.....

but we had a great time last night and even got to meet Niko!

The girls and I love most all of his songs and just sang and enjoyed the wonderful night! It was perfection!

We went and said hello to Daddy/Tyler since he was working the event and enjoyed checking out the vendors!

READY! (Notice their VIP Meet and Greet badges) :) (Its always good to have a 'famous' Mom that can make things happen!) :)

Great concert! And loved seeing the JSU students and the community come out too!

And....yep, we are cool! We got to meet him! A fun time!

The Cross Country team!

 Their uniforms finally came in so the team had their yearbook picture!

It is a big group!

Excited to watch what they do this season!

The girls!

There's alot of them!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wordless Wednesday!


Meeting our Eagles!

 The seasons are HERE!

Friday starts football with those Friday night lights............

and now.........

we also have Saturday morning bliss............

with Cross Country...BRIGHT...and early for Lily!

We will survive this Fall.....whew, I get tired just thinking about all the football games and Cross Country that is coming up! :)

We are excited to watch BOTH girls this year and cant wait to watch them shine!

The Cross Country team!

There is Lily!

Go Eagles!

There is Lex!

Go Eagles!

Excited for her Junior year!

Love this team!

Our Eagles!

Monday, August 19, 2024

And so it begins! A new school year!

 The girls have been in school for a couple of weeks now and I have enjoyed the slower pace between Summer and this upcoming year.

Well, today it came to an end and it is time for JSU to gear up and be ready for Wednesday when allllll the students start back!

Here we go! My year 11! :)

Ready for our all University meeting this morning! Excited for a new and great year!

Our weekend!

 Tyler had to work JAX State move in weekend so he was super busy so us girls (minus Alexis because she had to work) had lunch with him and toured some of the new buildings on campus with him!

It was a fun and low-key Saturday and weekend because this is our LAST one until alllll the Fall crazy begins this upcoming one!

Tyler toured us the new football facility. It was NICE!

These two thought they were cool to be outside a college dorm!

Seeing the new field! It all looks so good!


 When we moved to Jacksonville, I instantly felt at 'home.'

Now, I loved Birmingham and still love Birmingham...and if I ever end back up in Birmingham, I will be happy!

I dont really see that in our future but who knows what our future holds!

So, Jacksonville is where all the action is happening these days and with Fall gearing up and all things football, school, etc...we are here for it!

Well representing JHS, and JAX State!

My two Eagles!

Reese and Lily had to twin! :)

Jamboree ready! It was hot, but quick thank goodness!