Friday, August 23, 2024

Niko last night!

 We have always enjoyed going to Spirit on the Mountain and ALL the things that kick off Fall semester!

The girls have always just been too young to stay for the concert....

until this year!

We got home late and this morning was a struggle.....

but we had a great time last night and even got to meet Niko!

The girls and I love most all of his songs and just sang and enjoyed the wonderful night! It was perfection!

We went and said hello to Daddy/Tyler since he was working the event and enjoyed checking out the vendors!

READY! (Notice their VIP Meet and Greet badges) :) (Its always good to have a 'famous' Mom that can make things happen!) :)

Great concert! And loved seeing the JSU students and the community come out too!

And....yep, we are cool! We got to meet him! A fun time!

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