Thursday, August 8, 2024

2nd but 1st day of school!

One counting this day as her actual 1st day of school because this is the actual day that everyone comes and they actually do things in class....

the other girl....

is counting this as her 2nd day because she was 'forced' to go to school, yesterday, and really 'do nothing' and 'not everyone was there' BUT, since she HAD to go, and 'waste time' yesterday....(all her exact words) yesterday counted as her 1st day of school...for nothing.....

so today is now labeled as the 2nd, but 1st day of school!

So, did you guess it? This one wanted her '1st day of school' picture!

The '2nd but 1st day of school' girls! guessed it......

this one...

with is the 2nd day of school....even though the 1st day of school was a 'waste of time' because they 'did nothing' and 'nobody was there'......................and the biggest issue/reason.........

she couldnt turn her Summer project in until today............... haha!

She has been wanting to get rid of this since before she even finished it! :) (I cant lie, I have been tired of seeing it and walking past it in the dining room too!) :)

Be Summer project! (That....per another exactly worded statement by yours truly.... there should NEVER have been a Summer project to begin with!..........because, Summer is NOT for doing projects for school!) :)

OH, this girl! :)

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