Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Preparing for baby Lily!

 I didnt have my blog back when we lived in Birmingham...and I wish I did because I would love to read back on our life there!

BUT...........that isnt the case so I just cherish when I started it and enjoy from then to now!

So, when I see pictures, etc of our life 'before'......................I love to put it on there!


around this time.............

13 years ago.....................

I was preparing to have baby Lily!

Her nursery was ready.............all the clothes and diapers were in their place. I was a HUGE watermelon of a stomach....

and just literally counting down the days until our new baby would be here!


for a look back in time.....

of Lily's first nursery!

Lily's nursery was upstairs on our 2nd floor. She had her room right beside Alexis' and they shared a bathroom. 

I worked SO hard on getting this ready! I made the curtains....the pillows (all by myself, even though I did go to Anniston a couple of times and Nannie helped me sew) (Mandi, our neighbor also helped me too!) :)

I made the lamp shades, I recovered the chair and did the fabric on the side table and the picture frames too!

I wanted the theme to be a whimsical garden with birds.... 

It was so cute and though we didnt get to use it too long before it was time to pack up and move, I loved it while we were there and I really LOVED bringing new baby Lily home to enjoy it too!

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