Wednesday, August 7, 2024

First day of 11th and 7th!

 Both girls............


I mean, it is crazy to me!

Lily was a ball of nerves. (She will kill me for writing this) but poor thing, she didnt want Alexis to make her late for her first day of school (you know, she has a point! :) ) and she was nervous about trying to make it to her first class (and making sure she knew where it was) and trying to get her locker opened (I hope that works for her because MY GOODNESS it was hard to open, even for me!).....

and just being at the high school had her all kinds of worked up this morning!

Alexis...her normal self...

taking her time to get ready, get her things together............then wondering why I am telling her....GET in the CAR! :)...and why Lily is telling her that she better not make her late!

Alexis was super excited, this morning, to be heading into her Junior year...and finding her parking spot because she gets to drive now. Lex is just living the dream! :)

So, here's to 11th and 7th!

I pray they have the best year yet because it is going to be a big adjustment for both of them! Lily with just being in the high school and having to adjust to the teachers not 'babying' them Alexis and all of her dual enrollments....and CHEMISTRY.....

say a little prayer for them please!..................  :)

This 7th grade, high schooler!

The bookbag is bigger than she is...and weighs more too!

My girls!

The Junior!

When I say....ready! :)

When I say....she thinks she's ready! :)

I mean...Lily's face is like....LET me go to school! ha!

Off they go!

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