Monday, June 30, 2014

Savannah weekend!

Oh what a fun weekend! The day has finally come that I got to finally celebrate something fun for my dear friend Lindsay!

We have been friends for going on 14 years now and throughout those years she has come to every big event pretty much my whole life! She and her sweet Mom have been there for everything for me!

I have been wondering when I was ever going to get to return the friendship...and this weekend I finally got to!


Whoooo hooo!!

I am sooooooooo excited and happy for her!

I get to celebrate her and I am just beyond happy to get to do it!

6 of us headed to Savannah, Georgia for the weekend for her bachelorette party!

Savannah is beautiful!

I went down with 3 of the girls and it was so fun getting to know them on the 6 hour trip there and the 6 hour trip back!

They were all 7 years younger than me......

Needless to say........I feel really REALLY old!

They asked me for advice about everything under the sun once they found out how old I was compared to them! :) I was happy to give it..............but told them to not hold me to it all! :)

Made my weekend! I went down Thursday night after work since I had to be ready early Friday! SOOooo...guess who I LOVED hanging out with!? None other than my most favorite Mallory!!! Love her and LOVED spending time with her!
The beautiful future Mrs. Hunt! I am so thankful for our friendship! She is so beautiful both inside and out! Love love love her!
The Bride's crew! We had a great time together and I really enjoyed getting to know them all!
Julie, me, Lindsay, Amanda, Christina, and Michelle
We enjoyed touring around Savannah. Savannah is so beautiful with beautiful homes and buildings and Trees. They had beautiful parks and trees there! :)
We actually did this! 2 hours on this huge bike thing! We pedaled it for 2 hours touring Savannah! That was an experience and memory that I will never forget..........and probably never do again! :)
Our house! It was gorgeous! They had completely remodeled it on the inside and it was unbelievable! The only thing was that it was so out of place as to where it was! It was around not so good homes that were all boarded up! Needless to say....we made sure to keep our doors locked!
Getting ready to head out!
The Lady and Sons restaurant! Paula Dean's restaurant was sooooo good!
This is what I had! Chicken Pot Pie! It was the best I have ever ever ever had! It was soooo creamy and just flat out HUGE!!
We actually got to meet her too! :) {I wish!!}
I can NOT wait to see this beautiful girl walk down the aisle in September!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Day 167
Love seeing the girls making friends and having fun!

Day 168
Enjoying a beautiful night out with my family!

Day 169
Catching the Disney movie...How to train your Dragon with the girls! They loved it!

Day 170
Tyler and I took Alexis to Shipwreck Island Water Park! We had SO much fun!!

Day 171
Enjoying the last night at the beach!
Day 172
Highlight of the it was NOT this, but it was this being done!! Tyler and I moved 5 rooms of furniture to get ready for our new carpet coming Monday! Yeah, it took us a day and a half to get all the furniture moved and the carpet ripped out! It was NOT fun! :)

Day 173
Highlight was NOT pulling up the carpet...or me hauling it all to the road or pulling a CAZILLION staples out of the floor, but the fact that it was ALL done!..........and ready for our new carpet!! whoo hoo!

Day 174
Monday has come and we have new floors! YAYY!! :)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Beach photoshoot!

Oh to take is not so much fun, I will be honest! :) It is hard to get the girls to cooperate, to sit up, to smile, to listen, to be still, to look the same way, to not make a weird face, to not sweat like a pig {that is mostly just about me}......   :) get those couple of pictures that are just GREAT.....make it all worth it! {Seriously!} :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

BEACH Part 2!

The rest of the fabulous week at the beach!...
Beach bums ready to play in the sand!

She loved finding shells everyday! It was her mission to find as many as she could to fill up her buckets!
Such a cutie!
Angelos! So good!! The big Bull!!
Two cool chicks!
Too cool for school!
Lily loved riding the kayak with Daddy! Daddy loved having it down and riding in the ocean!
Eating at Pompanos! YUM!
Andrew and the girls!
Daddy and Gran found a jellyfish! It was eating a baby fish! {You can see the baby fish if you look close!}
Catching crabs at night! So fun! We found one crab! It was huge...and dead!
Ready to hit the beach again!
So sweet!!
Enjoying the waves! The water was beautiful and the perfect temp!
She is SUCH a water bug! She kept insisting to swim just like the big kids and Alexis! To the point that she took off her floaties by herself as she was swimming so she could swim like them! Instead of swimming....she starting sinking!!! It didnt scare her at all, but thankfully a sweet lady was close by her and grabbed her as she was going under! Tyler and I were taking a bike ride when it happened so luckily I didnt see it happen or I would have flipped out! Gran was at the end of the pool and took off running to the other end to try and grab her! Needless to say this floatie in the picture is what she ended up having to wear the rest of the time because she couldnt take it off by herself! She thinks she is so grown up!
Alexis has done SOOOO well swimming!! She can swim under water now all the way down the pool! She can even dive in and swim! I am so proud of her! She has taught herself how to swim!
Who knew Daddy was an artist!?!? They enjoyed drawing faces and pictures in the sand! Fun times!!