Monday, June 9, 2014


Day 153
 Highlight of my day this morning.....getting the girls to school. :) Little Miss Grumpy girl Lily was in a mood so.....sometimes it is just good to get to work....  :)

Day 154
I voted! Hope everyone did their duty!

Day 155
Seeing this smiling cutie enjoy a yummy meal of Spaghetti! She loves Spaghetti!...and then of course topping it off with a yummy cupcake! :)

Day 156
Alexis had VBS at Jacksonville United Methodist Church all week! She loved going! The theme was 'Weird Animals!' They did such a cute job with decorating the Church! It was really unbelievable how much they did and it all was SO cute! {Lily wanted in the picture too even though she didnt go because it ended so late. She will get to go next year!} :)

Day 157
Friday night!! She was SO tired from having VBS all week that she skipped Friday's. As soon as she got home, she PASSED out! She slept from 5:00pm until 6:45am without waking up! She was one tired tired tired little girl! {She looked soooo peaceful as she slept!} so sweet! :) {Not sure what she was doing with her socks! haha!! It looked like she wanted to take them off but was so tired that she only made it half way!} :)

Day 158
SOOOOOooooo nice!! Auburn baby!!! Enjoying Auburn with great friends, the Grogans!

Day 159
I LOVE this picture! Both of my girls look soooo happy! :) {Lily is in the blue hat if you can find her!} :)

Day 160
These cuties look so grown with their Summer Bobs! :)

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