Thursday, June 12, 2014

No one...

No one else will ever know the STRENGTH of my LOVE for you. After all.............

you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.

It is hard to be a girl.

All the ups and downs that a girl goes through in her life as she faces each stage can be really hard!

Just me watching 'So You Think You Can Dance' the other night about broke my heart!

A beautiful 18 year old girl who is a beautiful dancer told her story of how she has battled with herself for years. She thought she wasnt pretty enough as a dancer, therefore led to her having an eating disorder...

Hearing her tell her struggle and then watching how she overcame it and how absolutely beautiful she danced just amazed me! She found herself again through dancing and it just brought tears to my eyes!

Each phase of life for a girl is hard. It is! We have to deal with all the insecurities of not being pretty enough, not being thin enough. Not having the perfect kind of hair. So on and so on....

I just hope that as my girls grow, that they realize that they are beautiful and that they have so many things in life that will make them happy and to just focus on that.

I love seeing the world through my girls eyes! I love seeing how they are learning how the world works everyday!

A perfect example, the other day Alexis was singing a song and the lyrics were 'I have learned to bite my tongue.'       Alexis says "Mommy, why does she want to bite her tongue? That will hurt!" Right now, in the phase of life they are in...they take everything so literal!

Lily learning to dress and undress herself. She will struggle and struggle with trying to get her shirt over her head! Once she finally gets it off...or on, she has the biggest, most proud smile on her face! I just love to sit there and watch her working hard and accomplishing the small goals she has in life right now!

As each year goes by....and as both girls grow, I hope they always know that I am their biggest cheerleader and love them more than anything in the world!

Trying...and trying..and trying..
took it off and tried it again..... not giving up!
She did it!! :)

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