Monday, October 6, 2014


Day 272
I dont really know what to say to this picture! :)   I look over from cooking dinner and she is doing her homework with her crown on!!! Oh me! :) She said that she could do her work better with it on! :)

Day 273
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!.......I got a run through done!!! looks cute and it works and now the football boys HAVE a 'paper thingy' so they call it to run through!! {Now on a side note, they need to learn how to run through it without it being a domino effect with them falling!} :)   {And by the way, I am SO proud of myself for this one turning out after my first horrible experience!}
Day 274
IT is HUMP day!!! I enjoyed going to Alexis' school and helping her teacher! I also enjoyed seeing this little cutie!

Day 275
Me and my little mini me love having dinner together before dance! We LOVE Popeyes!
Day 276
Friday....... WHOO HOO!! We have to wear our orange and blue!! 

 AND.....another highlight of my day on this day! Lily got a new coat from Nan and she would NOT take it off! Who cares if it is 85 degrees outside right!?!?! still could snow at any time!!!
Day 277
And today...we wear pink to cheer in! Lily LOVED the pink pom poms! She kept trying to steal everybody's so she could hold them! :)
And we had a FULL Saturday! Another highlight of this day...was seeing these two have fun together! Alexis was THRILLED that Sara Kate invited her to play over at her house! They decided to meet us at the JSU game, so we enjoyed the game together too!!

Day 278
Sunday funday at Aunt Pam's! We had a surprise birthday party for Nannie! {Even though my girls spoiled it because they kept asking for cake and Nannie figured it out!!} :) :)
 OOHHH....this view is SO nice! The girls love feeding the ducks!
 Happy early birthday Nannie!! The girls were thrilled to sing her happy birthday!! {Because finally cake was coming next!!}

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