Thursday, October 2, 2014

Do your ears hang low?

I have been wanting to post this since Sunday, but I just havent had time until tonight!

Alexis came running to me Sunday afternoon with the 'greatest idea ever' per her! :) :)

She said she wanted to do this 'thingy' where you stand against a wall and you draw lines on the wall so we can see how big she is! :)

As I am listening to her explain this 'greatest idea ever' I start getting a little nervous!..........but, she then continues to tell me that we HAVE to do it because she wants to see how much her and Lily grow and that it will be fun to draw lines on the walls to show it! :)

Sooo.....I ask her, 'Do you mean you want us to do a growth chart so we can see how tall you are {and Lily} and how much you grow?' And Alexis says...'Yes Mommy, and I want you to do it right here!'...and 'I want you to do it everyday!' :) :) {And FYI, right here was on the wall in our living room!} lol! {And FYI, Daddy had to explain to her that doing it everyday really wasnt necessary because there would not be that big of a difference} She just knew that if she did it everyday, that somehow it would really help her grow and grow and grow! :)

So, Daddy hears her request and comes up with the great idea to do it down in the basement! GENIUS! :)

So, we headed downstairs and....... the girls made their mark!!

It made my heart smile because Alexis was soooo excited about doing this and it just made me smile SOOOO big to see her trying to explain it to me and give me her reasons as to why it was needed  to be done!

So, Sunday marks the day that every 6 months we will see how much my little girls grow!

This girl has excitement written all over her face!!
This girl....would not stand still! :)

Look how big they are!!................

The picture might be hard to see....but look at the difference in height between the two. It isnt that big of a difference for there to be 3 years between them! :)

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