Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Parties and Pumpkins!!!

We have had a busy fun Halloween week!! We have been loaded FULL with parties, Fall Festivals, and pumpkins!!

Daddy has been gone all week and we have missed him but so jealous that he is in Auburn for a work conference!

While Daddy has been gone, us girls have been having fun!

We had a fun Halloween party at cheer practice yesterday! I had fun treats for them and they all dressed up in their costumes! It was really cute seeing all of their costumes and trying to figure out what some of them were!!

After we had our party, all the girls headed to the Fall Festival and the flashlight hunt! They all had fun! Lily walked around and played the games and got candy with Nan and Pawpaw while I was with the cheerleaders! Nan said that Lily got A LOT of comments on her costume! She cracks me up in it!!

Since Daddy is the pro at carving pumpkins....I had to improvise tonight since he is gone. Instead of carving {because it is YUCKY!!} :)  I stuck some fun faces {with the big help of the girls} on to the pumpkins! I think they turned out cute!

Now on to 'spooky' ballet practice tomorrow! {the girls will have their face decorated! to follow!!} and the FRIDAY is HaLlOwEeN!!!! whoo hoo!

 I made these cute goodie bags for the girls and had Halloween cookies and drinks for them! So fun!!
So cute!
The Moms and Dads hung out too!
Lettie and Alexis!
Ashley didnt make it in the group picture! she had a picture made all by herself! :)
The girls are soooo proud of their pumpkins that they helped me make!! Meet Mr. Frank and Kitty!!!
LOVE my little front porch!!
My goodness where has the time gone! Look how much the girls have changed from last year! This was 2013! {Lily would not touch the pumpkins!...she thought it was sooooo gross! She kept rubbing her hands off...........on her shirt!!} :)

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