Wednesday, October 15, 2014

In memory of....

Today marked {forever in history}...the city of Jacksonville Breast Cancer awareness 'Pink Out!' October 15th!!

The first annual event seemed to be a great success! I went today with Alexis on her fist field trip as a 1st grader!

We walked the Jacksonville Square and saw all the pink!

There was a pink fire truck....a pink police everything! {Even Cocky had all pink on!} :)

The kids had a great time seeing everything, hearing about breast cancer, eating Kona Ice and then getting a pumpkin at the Pumpkin Patch!

And to mark the day...{forever in history} I will mark October 15th in memory of my late grandmother {whom I never had the privilege of meeting} who died from breast cancer. Ms. Audrey Badgett.

I never had the chance to meet her, but I have heard how beautiful and wonderful she was.

Breast cancer took her at a young age...............

Hopefully one day there will be cure!

Me and my girl on a perfect day! :)
 In memory of....there were thousands of names....
Chloe and Alexis enjoying their Kona Ice!! {Above, the Mayor Johnny Smith spoke about breast cancer}
This girl had SO much fun and loved the 'tiniest pumpkin she could find!' :)
We headed home to a great and YUMMY dinner of Chicken pot pie! {I aced it this time around!} :) followed by one of my all-time favorite childhood memories, Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin! I would say today was a great day! I am so thankful for days like this!

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