Sunday, October 19, 2014

Roughing it!....

Well, mark it down in history!! Yesterday marked the day that Alexis and Lily camped for the first time! :)

We have had a very fun and busy weekend!! It started off yesterday morning with heading to Alexis' football game! We played Southside and WON again! 22-0!! Our boys are great and of course our cheerleaders are too!!

Tyler took Lily while Alexis and I were at the game to Lily's best friend Callie's 3rd birthday party! Callie had a 'Babydoll' themed party and all the little girls had to bring their baby dolls! Lily loved the party so much that Tyler said she didnt want to leave! :) Until he told her, we are going CAMPING! :)

The girls were just beyond excited to go! We headed to Piedmont with the Grogans for camping fun by the creek!

The kids had a ball just being outside! They did everything under the sun! Everything from playing in the creek, throwing rocks, finding 'treasures', coloring, picking sticks, digging holes, playing hide-n-seek, playing follow the leader and more! All the kids got along and just played so well the whole time together. I didnt hear one of them say they were bored! They all got 'down and dirty!' Literally, they all were a stinky, smelly, muddy, dirty mess! :)

We cooked out hotdogs, roasted all different fun kinds of marshmallows, sat around the fire, enjoyed seeing the stars and the beautiful skies! {God has to be an Auburn fan because we had the MOST beautiful orange and blue sky!!} The kids told 'ghost stories' {they DO NOT know how to tell a ghost story!} {It was SO funny hearing their 'stories'! Alexis' ghost story consisted of "Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily and she had a sister and they played games and had fun, the end!"} :) :) We sang songs around the fire and just enjoyed the night before it was time to 'hit the sack!' {Literally!!}

We stayed pretty warm!....I have to say, even though we were 'roughing it', we still had a electric blanket! :) It felt sooo good! I have to say, I didnt sleep a wink because we heard coyotes ALL night long!! A LOT of them TOO! They didnt get close to us, but they were around!

We woke up this morning bright and early and Tyler cooked us all a yummy breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast!

We let the kids play some while we loaded everything up and then headed home for MUCH needed baths and clean up!

We all got warm showers and then we all took a 2 hour nap! SOOOO nice! :)

We had a great weekend and so thankful for the memories and having great friends to come along with us!
Setting up shop!! I have to is A LOT of work to pack everything, load everything, {make sure you have everything!!}, set everything up, set everything out,  etc....and then the dreaded load everything up and take it all back home and clean it is all worth once you are seeing the smiles on the kids' faces and see how much fun they are having and the fun that we all is worth it!!
Our 'compound!' Matt cracked me up!...He said Daddy bear, Mommy bear and baby bear's...! :)
They loved playing in the tent! They called this one their 'playhouse!'
Yes, this is what we used!..............and Lily was the first one! :) I have to say she has been doing SO good pooping lately! :) {Thank you thank you!!!!}
So fun! They loved it and said it was COLD! :)
So sweet!
They loved skipping rocks!!
Daddy is the master cooker!!!
The sky was absolutely beautiful!!! Sweet girls!!!!
Roasting marshmallows, singing, talking and telling 'ghost stories!'
Daddy and his girl!
This cracked me up! As we were packing up...they were filling this bucket up with water and pouring it over what was left of the fire! They couldnt pick up the big jug soooo...................
..................they laid on top of each other to smush the the jug and get the water out! They were having toooo much fun!!

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