Thursday, July 21, 2016

Burning a BIG hole!

Alexis has been dying to spend her birthday money....

as well as dying to go to her 'most favorite' store......Justice!

So, I combined the two yesterday with a fun day of just us girls to Birmingham since Lily had her check-up at Childrens.

We had such a fun day together gearing up for school to be starting soon!

We got some school supplies at Big Lots before heading to the Galleria since we got to Bham earlier than expected.

Since the stores were not opened yet, we walked around the inside of the mall and did this......approximately 10 BILLION times!

I let them ride the escalators....ALL of them in the Mall while we waiting for the stores to open! They went up...and down...and up and down....and up and down....then we would walk to the next set and they did it again....and get my drift!
These two were cracking me up! They were loving riding them soooo many times! Lily had the biggest smile on her face the entire times as well as waving 'hello' to the people below her! She was well...being Lily! hahaha!
Alexis on the other hand...........was acting TOTALLY like 'Im soooo cool and 'grown up' and fancy!' ha! She was cracking me up the most because she was 'too cool for school!'
Then FINALLY Justice opened! WHOO HOO!!! You would have thought Alexis had won the lottery when those security gates were rising up for us to go in! :) :)
I swear I stood in this ONE spot for about 30 minutes while Alexis looked at EVERY....SINGLE....necklace.....bracelet, ring, etc on THIS....ENTIRE thing! OH my goodness....that girl!! She had to examine EVERYTHING before she FINALLY made her mind up as to what she wanted to spend her birthday money on! :) That money has been burning a big hole in her wallet!! :)
Lily was just following Alexis around like a little puppy in awe of it all! ha!
We had lunch in the food court followed by this loaded down with icing, smiley face cookie! ha!
Of course they had to ride the Carousel!
We hit all of our 'favorite' shops before heading to Lily's check-up!
Here she is patiently waiting {and watching the Disney channel} for Dr. Woolley to come in and decide what we were going to do with her since the hole in her ear drum still hasnt closed up! He did say that since it is trying to close and has gotten a good bit smaller that he still wants to keep an eye on we see him back again in 6 months. Hopefully by will be fully closed and we wont have to worry with her ear anymore!
We had a long but full and fun girls day together in Birmingham before heading to Oxford to do more shopping and dinner at Olive Garden before heading to Alexis' gym class! Talk about a busy day! :)

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