Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Auburn bound & Lex's birthday!

We have enjoyed Auburn soooo much on our trip that we just got back from!

We love Auburn!

For sure....my happy place! :)

We kicked off our trip with just our little family of four heading down Friday to enjoy the day and start the celebrating of Alexis' 8th birthday!


she is 8!


Part 1-Day 1 of our trip! These two crazy silly girls are ready to go! We went to Waffle House before heading to the Plains!
We had such a fun day...just us and enjoying Auburn! We had mexican at one of mine and Tyler's 'old stomping ground' We enjoyed Laredo's and Alexis was super excited that they sang happy birthday to her, let her wear a sombrero and gave her a yummy birthday treat!
Daddy thought Lily needed to have some whip cream on her nose like he did to Alexis! ha!
We went bowling after lunch and it was Lily's first time! She LOVED it! AND...look how cute she looked in her little bitty bowling shoes! I was shocked when they said they had her size!
Alexis was a pro! :) {At one point she threw the ball behind her! OH, it was SO funny!}
Lily handled those heavy balls with no problem!
AND....danced after every turn she had! It was hilarious!! She did a 'happy dance' like in this picture the whole time her ball was going {very slowly} haha...down the aisle! :) :)
Daddy won! He played awesome! I am usually awesome at bowling but I couldnt keep my ball out of the gutter for some crazy reason this time! :)
We walked the streets of downtown Auburn and enjoyed the shops and Toomer's lemonade of course!
My view! Love!
Then, we hit Amsterdam Cafe! {WHOO HOO!! :) :)} It was sooo good! And then we walked around Tigertown and did some more shopping!! Lily kept asking why there were so many lions everywhere! We had to keep telling her they were tigers.......... because Auburn Tigers! She, for some reason, just couldnt wrap her head around it! :)
CHILL time! Yummy yogurt for a perfect day!
We rounded out our 1st day with these crazies trying to splash all the water out of the pool! They had a huge wave pool going for sure! I guess you could say perk of having a tiny indoor pool to yourself! :)
Day 2! ALEXIS is 8!!!!!!
I know! First official picture of my 8 year old! What CRACKS me up is the fact that she has NO idea what she is doing as she poses like this {even though she thinks she does!} She sees everyone's 'selfie' pictures look like this because......THEY are taking the PICTURE 9 times out of 10 in front of a mirror!! That is why the phone is in front of them! Well...she wanted to do a 'selfie' soooooo she posed like this and asked me to take the picture! I was dying laughing.....inside! {so she wouldnt get mad at me for laughing at her!} :) :)
We met Nan, Brandi and Pawpaw to eat lunch before heading to Grand National! We did a little bit of shopping before we left! Lily LOVED these tiger ears! :)
We made it to the 'greatest pool ever' per Lily! It was a beautiful day to celebrate Alexis' birthday!
Lily loved the slide...the splash pad...the pool...the slide...the splash pad and the pool! Did I mention...the slide....the splash pad and the pool! :)
We camped out under the Tiki huts to escape the heat some but still enjoy being out! :)
And, there she is....8! Just like that! :)
And, this little chick is DYING for it to be her birthday! The next day she said 'Since Sissy's birthday is over...isnt it MY birthday now??' :)
My two big girls ready to go out on the town!
And..that we did! Alexis was so excited to have yet another birthday treat!
And.....MORE Chill! You will start to see the pattern over the course of our trip! A lot of yogurt/desserts were involved! :)
Great way to end a perfect day!

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