Friday, July 8, 2016


We have had a short.....


HOTTTT week this week!

We got back in the groove of school and work since our Auburn trip but trying to beat this heat, whew!!...has been tough!

Alexis finished up her math tutoring for the Summer and OH MY was she excited to be done! She loves Mrs. Aimee but math.............well let's just say I dont think she will EVER choose math as a major!

Other than finishing up tutoring we have just been relaxing and prepping for Alexis' birthday party tomorrow!

Talk about one excited girl that she wont stop talking about it!

When you see that your car is reading 100 DEGREES! Whew, yeah...that is HOTTT!! :) :)

{Please say a prayer of healing and peace for Nan and her niece Teresa. Nan's sister, Shirley, passed away the end of this week. She is now singing with the angels in Heaven and is no longer in pain. She will be missed.} Lily is saying it best!.....HOORAY for Summer!! :) :)

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