Saturday, July 23, 2016

Celebrating by biking it!

Even though the day before, every year, is tough with the loss of my Dad/Pops, it is always a blessing to take my mind off of that....

to celebrate of anniversary!

 11 years!

Love and miss you Dad!

 In our 11 years, we have seen the good, bad, ugly, very ugly, happy, fun, hilarious, and amazing days with everything in between! In the midst of it all, the constants have always been how much I am thankful for him and how I cant imagine life without him! Happy anniversary to us and I love you!

Let's take a walk down memory lane!
Our Honeymoon cruise!
We were babies!
At our most favorite place...Auburn!
Love him!
Today we decided to celebrate our anniversary by riding the bike trail to Georgia!
22 miles! YES, we DID it! This is the marking between Alabama and Georgia! WHEW! :)
SO proud of us for making it! We enjoyed lunch at Solid Rock before heading home. I changed clothes because I was soaking wet! {yuck I know!} :) and then had a great dinner at one of our favorites...LongHorn before picking the girls up from Nan and Pawpaw's since they spent the day with them going to the movies and having a fun day!

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