Monday, July 11, 2016

Soooo....that happened today!

Lily was SO excited this morning to have a 'Mommy and Lily' breakfast at Burger King to eat her faaaavorite....

a 'Crosonic!!' {She calls the ham and cheese on a croissant a 'crosonic!' for some funny reason!}

Since Alexis is gone with LaLa until tomorrow afternoon, I surprised Lily by going to Burger King and it made her day!

Meanwhile....Alexis has been having a blast at LaLa's! So much so that she hasnt even wanted to stop and take the time to talk to me on the phone! {Besides the fact that she told LaLa that when I talk to her that I ask too many questions and she didnt want to have to answer all of my questions!} OH, that girl! Im super glad she is having fun because I remember being her age and older and love spending time with the Murphy's in Bham!

Lily is super excited to have her turn tomorrow when we meet and trade out girls! :)

As I am taking this picture, she is throwing her arms up in the air and saying 'I love this!' ha!
She begged for a crown. Well, I forgot to ask for one and so I had to run back in and get one. She asked to wear it to school. So, because it was her special morning....I told her that she could. As she was walking into her room with the crown on, William are a King! She looked at him with a very 'as a matter of fact' face and said...'No, I am THE Burger Queen!' Her teacher and I both busted out laughing! She is a mess! :)
Speaking of William, this I am picking her up from school, the teacher tells me that Lily kissed William.......ON the lips today! YES!
I talked to her and she said...'Mommy, he is my boyfriend and I love him and since he is my boyfriend, I have to kiss him!' WHERE does she get this stuff from!?!?! I told her that she is too young to have a boyfriend and she can NOT kiss anybody...especially on the lips. She goes, well Mommy, I wont kiss him anymore, but he is still my boyfriend! OH me! Sooo...yep, that happened today!
Meanwhile, LaLa and Lex love taking selfies! :)
Alexis went to Church with LaLa and Vic and after Alexis and LaLa enjoyed getting their nails done, shopping for her birthday gift and watching the movie 'The Secret Life of Pets' after they got done eating lunch! Lana said that Alexis knew exactly what she wanted to order and was very precise in doing her own ordering! My girl loves some Mexican!....especially burritos and sour cream! :)
She picked out her birthday gift at none other than the greatest store in the world!....Toys R Us! :)
Today...I got this picture! LaLa and Lex had 'Multiplication Monday!' :)
And then Alexis went over and saw Mal's new house and spent some time with her! They did this silly picture off of an app on Mal's phone! The app is 'middle school!' Talk about a perfect representation of how most everyone looks in middle school! ha! OH.....This picture looks just like how Alexis will be looking with braces.....and for sure some red lipstick if she could get her hands on it!
Lily saw this picture as I am doing this blog and said....'Mommy, what happened to them!' haha!
Tomorrow will be filled with lots of swimming since it will be Lex's last day before I meet them in Pell City! We shall see if Alexis wants to come back home! :) :)

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