Thursday, June 30, 2016

Camps, field trips and birthdays!

We are SUPER excited here at the Law home that tomorrow we are heading to our most favorite place on the planet..........Auburn!!

We just LOVE Auburn!

LOVE! :)

To no surprise, we have been busy bees this week! Living life to the fullest for sure! Every single minute! :)
We finished off Summer Cheer Camp with the JSU cheerleaders this week! These sweet, hardworking, silly, loud, fun girls had a blast! I am looking forward to the season starting and watching this group shine! They are going to be an awesome group and are going to do awesome at competition this year! Im so excited! :)
Silly face picture...per their request of course!
Alexis works hard every week at gym but this week...look at her go!
She is SOOOOO close to getting her backwalk over!! SHE IS SO CLOSE!! I just want to go over there and barely bump her to help her get over! It wont be long for her because she is soooo close!
Alexis is LOVING Summer Camp at the Community Center! This week they went on TWO field trips! Alexis was pumped about this week for sure! Tuesday they went to the Plantariuam at JSU and then had lunch there! She loved it and today they went to The Factory! I have NO idea where she is in this picture but she is there somewhere and came home saying she had so much fun today! To cap off today, we met Gran, Andrew, Pam and Richard at Moe's to pick up Lily and eat with them. Lily enjoyed an impromptu spend the night time and she said she had SO much fun spending the night last night and then riding on the float and swimming today!
This was Daddy and Alexis tonight WAAAYYY past her bedtime! They just wouldnt stop working on this awesome gem! We went ahead and gave Alexis her birthday gift from us since it will be hard for her to do the Legos while we are in Auburn and she was SO excited to get this! It is the coolest and cutest thing! I cant wait to see the final product once they finish it when we get back from our trip! They worked hard tonight on it! Deep concentration for sure! :)
AND...bright and early in the morning..................AUBURN! Whoo hoo!!

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