Sunday, June 19, 2016

Beach trippin~Part 3!

So, we are still continuing the fun at the beach!
Tuesday we were on to Day 4 and it was Gran's birthday! We spent the day mostly at the pool on this day and I had two little fish that swam and swam!
Lily loved playing with Alexis' mermaid fin. She has played with it more than Alexis has!
She has become such a good swimmer and Daddy and her worked on perfecting her dive while we were there!
Happy birthday to Gran!
We were camped out at the pool! We sat up shop again!
Gran chose Bayou Joe's for dinner since it was her birthday. It was out by the Bay and was beside the huge yachts and boats. Alexis and Lily loved counting all the small fish swimming around as we were out on the dock eating.
Lily asked me to take a picture 'beside the old man, Mommy!' :)
After we ate, we went and rode rides and go-carts! Lily begged to ride the big Teddy bears! She was the only one on the ride. She wanted to ride it by herself!
LOOK how funny! They closed her up in it and she is so tiny that she couldnt see out. She didnt want to get out so she just sat in it as in spun around! ha!
Tyler, Andrew and Alexis rode the Flying Dragon. BOY, it went high! Alexis held on the the back of the seat the whole entire time but when she got off she exclaimed that she wasnt scared at all and that it was so fun! :)
Next up....GO-CARTS! Daddy and Lily ready to race!
Lex and I ready to go!
And...Andrew was ready! :)
Alexis and I WON!! Yep, we were super fast and beat everybody! Alexis screamed and yelled faster the entire time we were riding. Alexis cracked me up because she bragged and bragged about how we beat them! She is soooo competitive!!
We went to some more shops and rode the 'strip'...{front beach rode} before heading back to the condo. Alexis decided that she wanted a crab! Meet Shell-e! It took her FOREVER to decide which crab shell that she wanted! Finally she chose the crab with the different colored shell!
Wednesday we went swimming again but by a little before lunch time it started getting stormy so we cleaned up and decided it was a good day to ride to Destin since it is only 25 minutes away and do the outlets. We got some good deals and enjoyed a great meal at McGuire's before heading back.
This chick looks too grown up!
Waiting to eat!
This place was SO good! They had a great dessert for birthdays so we told them it was Gran's birthday since technically it was since it was the day before! ha! LILY....oh me! This day was the day she declared to all of us that she is no longer Lily but to now call her Lillian! {her real name so she says!} She is a MESS! :)
Trying to get Lily to sit still and actually HARD! :)
See....that girl!
Thursday was a beautiful day! The ocean was rough from the stormy weather on Wednesday so we didnt get to float in it on this day but the girls still stood at the edge and played in the sand!
This was my view for the day! The girls building sand castles and Tyler conquering the waves and being a surf dude! :)
See him out there! :)
Daddy built Alexis a big and nice sand castle. I hate that I forgot to take a picture of it. Alexis was being a micro manager during the whole building process!
Then...Daddy made Lily....or I guess I should say Lillian a mermaid! She had the biggest smile on her face!
She said 'My tail is sooo long and beautiful!' :)
I didnt get any pictures on this night of dinner. We went to Dusty's Oyster House because Tyler was craving oysters. After we ate, we did this. Lillian got a crab too! She decided she wanted one so she got a friend for Shell-e. Meet Fred-e! So now Shell-e and Fred-e are best friends! :)
Part 4 coming tomorrow. Im tired! :)

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